Page 21 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 21

NMFS' 2016 Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of
                                                                   Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing (Level
                                                                   A Acoustic Guidance) established new acoustic criteria for
                                                                   assessing potential Level A harassment under the MMPA.
                                                                   The application of the 2016 Guidance presented significant
                                                                   risk that the preparation of MMPA Incidental Take
                                                                   Authorization (ITA) applications would be more
                                                                   burdensome and time-consuming and would cause NMFS
                    NOAA/NMFS 2016 & 2017                          processing of those applications to be delayed.

                                                                   As a direct result of Executive Order 13795 in April 2017,
                  LEVEL A ACOUSTIC GUIDANCE                        America-First Offshore Energy Strategy, NOAA/NMFS re-
                                                                   opened the comment period for the Level A Acoustic
                                                                   Guidance. The IAGC filed a joint-trades comment letter
                                                                   on 17 July 2017 asking for a more rigorous peer-reviewed
                                                                   and public process along with some substantive changes to
                                                                   the current guidance.

                                                                   The IAGC and API's comments offer ideas on how NMFS
                                                                   may improve the application of the Technical Guidance to
                                                                   be consistent with the Executive Orders issued earlier this
                                                                   year.    The  comments  request  that  NMFS  considers  and
                                                                   incorporates these comments, prepare a new draft version
                                                                   of the Technical Guidance, provide that draft for public
                                                                   review and comment, and then promptly issue a new,
                                                                   improved version of the Technical Guidance.

                                                                   The Technical Guidance, which may be available later this
                                                                   year or early next year is relevant to essential offshore
                                                                   geophysical activities because federal agencies and permit
                                                                   applicants may use the guidance to determine the potential
                                                                   effects of those activities on marine mammals.

         Joint comments from the IAGC, API, NOIA and the Offshore
         Operators Committee (OOC) cite several flaws in the Gulf of
         Mexico Incidental Take Regulations Application. Those flaws
         include the Application's requested levels of Incidental Take
         are not supported by the best available science, the lack of
         consideration of the beneficial effects of mitigation measures
         as part of the proposed action, and the overly conservative
         modeling that BOEM admits does not accurately reflect the       REVISED APPLICATION FOR
         anticipated impact.
                                                                       MARINE MAMMAL INCIDENTAL
         Consequently, the Application does not accurately present      TAKE REGULATIONS FOR GOM
         the number of Incidental Takes that are "likely to occur," does
         not clearly present the species and number of marine              GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS
         mammals likely to be found within the activity area and does
         not  have  sufficient  statistical  inference  to  support  the
         interpretation of modeled results.  It also fails to present a
         practicability assessment and presents little information
         about the proposed monitoring plan.

         NMFS is expected to issue draft Incidental Take Regulations
         by the end of 2017.
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