Page 17 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 17

THE IAGC                      IAGC WEIGHS IN AS NEW FIVE-

           ADVOCATES FOR
             EXTENSION OF                     YEAR PLAN GETS UNDERWAY
           PERMITS; BOEM
               AGREES TO                            he U.S. Department of the  The IAGC and its allied trades'
            ONE-YEAR G&G                            Interior (DOI) on 29 June 2017  comments on the Five-Year-Plan
                PERMITS                       Tannounced work on a new  urged  the  Administration  to  fully
                                              five-year offshore oil and gas leasing  evaluate and consider all OCS areas
                                              plan with a Request for Information  in light of continued safety and
              n August, the IAGC              (RFI) for public input. The RFI  environmental           performance
              achieved      another           considers leasing in the Atlantic OCS   improvements and the expected
          Isignificant victory and            and notes the "tremendous advances  global economic and population
          step to ensure our members'         in instrumentation and technology  growth,      energy     efficiency
          license to operate offshore         for the  acquisition  and  analysis of   improvements  and  alternative
          the U.S.  As a result of the        G&G data" since the Atlantic was last   energy sources which will not be
          IAGC's          successful          surveyed which demonstrate "the  sufficient  to  meet  anticipated  U.S.
          engagement    with    the           need to better understand the scope  and global energy demand.
          Administration        and           of existing resources."
          regulatory agencies, BOEM
          has  agreed  to  extend  all
          existing    and     future
          geophysical permits to one-
          year terms.  Previously,
          BOEM            permitted                DOI SECRETARIAL ORDER
          geophysical survey activity
          for 2-month terms  requiring              SEEKS TO OPEN ALASKA
          the applicant to request
          frequent  and   successive                             FOR LEASING
          2-month  extensions for a
          maximum permit period of
          one year.  The IAGC's
          success    removes    this               aying,  "The  President  has  now  U.S. Department of the Interior
          administrative burden for the            declared that the war on North  Secretary Ryan Zinke took  a major
          applicant and the agency.           SAmerican  energy  is  now  over,"  step on 31 May toward opening the
                                                                                 North Slope of Alaska to energy
                                                                                 development.  Secretary Zinke
                                                                                 ordered new geophysical studies on
                                                                                 the oil and gas potential of federal
                                                                                 land on the North Slope, including
                                                                                 the coastal plain of Arctic National
                                                                                 Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

                                                                                 This is one of many steps resulting
                                                                                 from the IAGC's direct efforts to
                                                                                 ensure the geophysical industry
                                                                                 remains at the forefront of energy
                                                                                 exploration and development policies
                                                                                 and to communicate the message that
                                                                                 energy starts here.

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