Page 13 - IAGC The Voice 2017
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y first direct exposure to the IAGC was efforts. Personally, I have enjoyed working with
in the mid-late 1990's, starting with the Association and like to think that my efforts in
Mcommittee level efforts. In 1998 I was some small way have helped mold the Association
asked to join the Board of Directors, and have into what it is today.
been engaged with IAGC activity ever since.
The late 90's and early 2000's were difficult times At ION, we recognize the significant value that a
for the Association and its member companies, strong association can bring to its membership
much like today. The agenda was focused mostly and chose to be a Governing Member as a result.
on internal restructuring, including new Recognizing that we do not have the size or
leadership, Board size, membership levels, dues, breadth to take on the major issues by ourselves,
and bylaws, all of which were critically important this level of membership provides an opportunity
to ensure the viability of the Association, and set to shape and drive the agenda of the Association
the groundwork for the current organization. and to focus the collective industry resources on
the issues that are critical for our business. The
Looking forward, it has been particularly IAGC provides invaluable opportunity for us to
rewarding for me to see the IAGC re-establish collaborate with other member companies and
itself as a solid and recognized advocacy voice industry partners on the issues that are affecting all
for its membership with a strong externally- of us, and to pool our efforts to effect real and
focused agenda. New leadership and staff have necessary change, and to position us all for future
reinvigorated the Association and its efforts, and success.
has brought real value to the membership, even
with the difficult market conditions that exist
today. The IAGC has managed to maintain and
advance its efforts in traditional areas
(operational best practices and HSE awareness
and improvement, etc.), but has really stepped
up in the regulatory and government engagement
arena. Shifting political views, ever increasing
regulatory requirements, negative public opinion,
dissemination of inaccurate information, and
environmental non-governmental organization
(eNGO) activities have added significant and costly
mitigation requirements to our operations and
have threatened the industry's abilities to
reasonably obtain the necessary permits to carry
out seismic surveys.
The work of the IAGC has been effective and
productive in stemming this tide by raising
awareness with public outreach programs,
science-based information and educational
materials and direct engagement with the SHAWN RICE
regulators, lawmakers, public, media and some
eNGO's. The IAGC has been recognized by SVP, OPERATIONS
other major Exploration and Production (E&P)
trade associations for its focused and effective
efforts on operational and environmental & ENGINEERING,
regulatory process and reform, and as a result has
been able to harness the strength and support of ION
the broader E&P community with its advocacy