Page 12 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 12


                           C. RICHARD


                      SVP, WESTERN



                      y involvement with the IAGC began in
                      1991, when I joined my first Committee.
            MSince that time, I have served on
            numerous Committees in the Asia Pacific, EAME
            and Americas Chapters at various times during
            my career, and have represented Polarcus on the
            Board of Directors since 2008.
                                                                  These achievements, together with the ongoing
            This experience afforded me a front-row seat from     leadership of initiatives to promote best practices
            which to observe, and participate in, the evolution   across all member companies to ensure the health
            of the IAGC into the organization it is today.        of the workforce and safe and environmentally
            There has never before been a time when the           responsible operations, illustrate the tremendous
            industry was more in need of a strong, credible,      value the IAGC brings to the industry.
            unified voice to represent it in the face of public
            and regulatory pressure, and it is clear to me that   Polarcus elects to be a Governing Member of the
            the Association has risen to meet this challenge in   Association because the initiatives in which the
            a very impressive manner.                             IAGC is providing leadership and clarity reflect the
                                                                  company's core values, and our engagement enables
            The IAGC staff are knowledgeable, experienced         us to contribute to shaping the industry for future
            professionals who have recently achieved              success.  From my first Committee meeting to my
            significant successes in shaping regulatory           current Board position, my personal involvement in the
            frameworks  around the  world  to preserve our        Association has always been stimulating and rewarding,
            freedom  to  operate  responsibly,  while  building   but contributing to meeting the challenges facing
            strong partnerships with other related trade          the industry today with such an expert and effective
            associations and our oil company clients, through     IAGC staff provides even greater satisfaction and a
            the Industry Partner membership.                      sense of achievement that I value greatly.

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