Page 55 - IAGC The Voice 2017
P. 55


             Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao

             With 20 African countries being significant producers
             of oil and/or gas, and other countries making
             significant new discoveries, Africa is on an upward
             growth curve. The 2017 Annual Conference proudly
             included Her Excellency Dr. Arikana Chihombori-
             Quao, the African Union Ambassador to the United
             States of America since 1 December 2016.

             Many countries on the continent are working together
             to tackle some of the challenges of oil & gas companies
             operating in Africa. They are now looking to create a
             continent-wide  approach  that  centralizes  decision-
             making and speeds up development progress. She
             discussed the approach of the African Union and
             explored efforts of individual nations.                 Her Excellency Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao with IAGC's
                                                                     Gail Adams-Jackson.

                                             2017 U.S. Energy Policy Outlook

                                             A new Administration and Congress along with regulatory and legal
                                             developments in the U.S. mean the 2017 energy outlook looks much different
                                             than 2016. The 2017 U.S. Energy Policy Outlook panel, which included IAGC's
                                             Dustin Van Liew, Andy Radford and Caroline Lobdell, presented updates on
                                             regulations, legal trends and the new political landscape that will impact your
                                             ability to operate now and in years to come. Developments in the U.S. often
                                             times travel beyond U.S. borders and could influence developments around
                                             the world.

                                             Andy Radford is the API Senior Policy Advisor
                                             for Offshore where he provides policy guidance
                                             on regulatory and legislative issues that impact the
                                             industry's ability to access new offshore resources
                                             and offshore leasing and development activities.
                                             API's mission is to promote safety across the industry
                                             globally and to influence public policy in support of a
                                             strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry.

                                                                   Caroline Lobdell  currently serves as the
                                                                   Executive Director and Clinical Law Professor for
                                                                   the Western Resources Legal Center.  The Western
                                                                   Resources Legal Center is a non-profit educational
                                                                   organization that provides law students with
                                                                   quality instruction and excellent opportunities to
                                                                   develop their legal skills and  knowledge of  natural
                                                                   resources and environmental laws through the legal
                                                                   representation of clients active in natural resource
                                                                   related industries that lead to careers as attorneys and
                                                                   policymakers with an appreciation for the challenges
                                                                   faced by, and importance of, natural resource industries.
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