Page 9 - IAGC_Jan 2018 Newsletter_FINAL
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same information and a means to      the Marine Mammal Protection Act
          participate in the commenting process.   (MMPA) of the 1970s and urged
          Citizens can provide comments        passage of the SECURE American
          by visiting www.regulations.         Energy Act as a smart partial fix.
          gov or
                                               Speaking of the significant need for
          The entire list of public meetings   modernizing the MMPA because of
          are available at           the many problems in its application,
          National-Program-Participate, and    Ryan Steen of Stoel Rives, testifying
          the virtual meeting room is          on behalf of the IAGC, said, “In the
          available at       past decade, these problems have
                                               manifested in the form of routinely
          After considering information        delayed permitting processes,
          provided by the public, BOEM will    inconsistent and misguided analyses
          prepare a Proposed Program, which    of potential impacts, and opportunistic
          will be published for a 90-day public   advocacy litigation intended to block
          comment period, to be followed by    or impede offshore development.”
          a Proposed Final Program (PFP).
                                               Citing the findings of a recent
          BOEM will publish a draft PEIS for   Government Accountability Office
          public comment concurrently with     report detailing how America’s
          the Proposed Program and a final     offshore energy potential has
          PEIS concurrently with the PFP.
                                               been undermined by “bureaucratic
          The draft PEIS and the final PEIS will   dysfunction,” specifically investigating
          examine the potential environmental   the processes and time frames for
          impacts of the program options and   reviewing and approving seismic
          alternatives, and will be available   survey applications, Steen also said
          to the Secretary of the Interior     the manner in which key federal
          prior to him making decisions        agencies have carried out their
          on the Proposed Program and          federal mandates are not in line
          the Proposed Final Program.          with the intent of Congress when it
                                               directed the “expeditious and orderly
                                               development” of the nation’s Outer
          IAGC Offers Remedies                 Continental Shelf under the Outer
          for MMPA Problems in                 Continental Shelf Lands Act (OSCLA).
          “Deficiencies in the Permitting
          Process for Offshore Seismic         Video from the hearing
          Research” House Natural              Full news release
          Resources Committee Hearing

          On 19 January 2018, IAGC
          participated in a House Committee
          on Natural Resources, Subcommittee
          on Energy and Mineral Resources
          Oversight Hearing, “Deficiencies in
          the Permitting Process for Offshore
          Seismic Research,” offering remedies
          for flaws and the misapplication of

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