Page 6 - IAGC_Jan 2018 Newsletter_FINAL
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Regulatory                          “Environmental Licensing of         Rounds 11 and 12 due to several
                                                                                  factors, including delays on the
                                              Maritime Seismic Survey Activities:
          News                                Results and Perspectives, “ designed   seismic permitting, oil price, and
                                              to showcase some successful socio-
                                                                                  lack of technical data in the area.
                                              environmental projects established   IAGC is petitioning for the same
          Australia                           in licensing conditions issued by   dispensation for speculative data
                                              IBAMA for maritime seismic research   acquired in the Equatorial Margin,
          Australia Tax Office                activities.  The book will also     as the same factors also deeply
          Releases Draft Taxation             focus on projects with innovative   affect the seismic industry.
          Ruling That Could Be                methods and unprecedented
          Costly for Companies                results, those with partnerships of
                                              more than one seismic company or    United States
          On 19 December 2017, the Australia   more than one executing entity.
          Tax Office unexpectedly released                                        Committee Takes Up
          a Draft Taxation Ruling following   The book is created for             IAGC-Endorsed SEA Act;
          its Draft Taxation Determination    environmental managers, oil and     Passes in House Natural
          earlier in 2017. As outlined in     gas companies, environmental        Resources Committee
          the draft Taxation Ruling, the      consultancies, agencies promoting
          ATO continues to hold the view      E & P activity, stakeholder          On 10 January, the House Natural
          that the cost of obtaining seismic   groups, and researchers from       Resources Committee passed
          information by multiclient companies   universities, private research   the much-needed Streamlining
          is on capital account, and is not   institutes, and NGOs specializing   Environmental Approvals Act (SEA
          immediately deductible as a taxable   in the marine environment.        Act). Introduced by Representative
          expense. The IAGC is working to                                         Mike Johnson (R-LA) in June 2017,
          develop comments to the Ruling      The goal is to emphasize points     the bill provides a common-sense
          with a deadline of 16 February.     of convergence between              approach to correct the flawed
                                              IBAMA, seismic contractors,         Marine Mammal Protection Act
          The IAGC also scheduled a           IAGC, consultancies, and            (MMPA) of the 1970s and addresses
          workshop with EY on 10 January      research institutions, showing      many of the MMPA’s inadequacies
          to discuss the IAGC submission      how implementing licensing          and misapplications.  The IAGC
          as well as to continue with the     conditions can increase             highly endorses the bill and provided
          strategy of working with the        environmental and social gains.     a statement of support. The
          Department of Industry to prevent                                       statement can be viewed HERE.
          the ruling from taking effect.
                                              IAGC Pursuing Extension of
                                              Data Confidentiality Periods        The IAGC has been working
                                              in Equatorial Margin                diligently with members of
          Brazil                                                                  Congress on legislation that would
                                              The IAGC is also working with       ensure that seismic permitting
          IAGC and Brazil Work on             Brazil’s National Agency of         decisions are policy decisions and
          Proposal to Publish Socio-          Petroleum, Natural Gas and          not political decisions, thereby
          environmental Projects Best         Biofuels (ANP) to extend the length   providing greater business certainty
          Practices and Successes             of the confidentiality period for   for our members and optimizing
                                              members’ seismic data acquired in   the business climate in the U.S.
          The IAGC and Brazilian Institute    the Equatorial Margin. Last year,
          of Environment and Renewable        ANP granted E&P companies an        The SEA Act is designed to meet
          Natural Resources (IBAMA) are       extension of 2 years to the minimum   those business needs.  The SEA Act
          presently working on a preliminary   exploratory program (“PEM”) for    will ensure that critical activities and
          proposal for structuring a book                                         projects such as coastal restoration,
                                              the concession contracts from Bid

          IACG Newsletter  |  InDepth                       6                                          January  |  2018
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