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offshore energy and mineral There have been no lease sales in Resources Chairman Rob Bishop
exploration, and military operations the Atlantic or the Pacific since (R-UT) released a U.S. Government
can move forward in a timely 1983 and 1984, respectively. Also Accountability Office (GAO)
manner; provide certainty in the included in the DPP is the North report detailing how America’s
application process, in line with the Aleutian Basin Planning Area, offshore energy potential has
original intent of the Marine Mammal which has been under presidential been undermined by “bureaucratic
Protection Act (MMPA); and ensure withdrawal since December 2014, dysfunction,” specifically
the regulatory process will adhere and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico investigating the processes and time
to existing statutory timelines Planning Area, which has not seen frames for reviewing and approving
to prevent future applications lease sales since 1988. Should the seismic survey applications.
for MMPA authorizations from proposed program continue as
unwarranted and inexcusable delays. planned, it will allow the opportunity GAO reviewed seismic permit
for many new seismic surveys off the applications received by BOEM,
The IAGC recognizes and applauds coast of the U.S. in the near future. NMFS, and FWS from 2011
Representative Mike Johnson’s through 2016, analyzed relevant
(R-LA) continued leadership and There are more steps needed laws and regulations that govern
the House Natural Resources to approve the National OCS the process, and reviewed
Committee for addressing this issue Program, including publishing agency guidance to develop
that has persisted for decades. a Notice of Intent (NOI) and an recommendations for executive
Environmental Impact Statement action to help ensure timely
The IAGC will continue to work (EIS), but the DPP shows the current reviews. GAO found significant
with Congress for the successful administration’s dedication to failures of federal agencies during
passage of the legislation before achieving U.S. energy independence. the previous administration, such
the full House of Representatives. as NMFS and FWS not recording
The DPP and the NOI will be
The House Natural Resources available for public comment for 60 review dates and not conducting
Committee press release days following the publication of the analysis of their review time frames,
can be viewed HERE. both inconsistent with federal
documents in the Federal Register.
internal control standards.
New National Outer The U.S. Dept. of the Interior press Chairman Bishop requested the
Continental Shelf (OCS) release can be found HERE. GAO report in March 2016 and
5-Year Plan Could Allow The IAGC issued a statement released the following statement on
for Increased G&G commending the administration the importance of seismic surveying
Activity Off U.S. Coasts to our national energy needs:
for thinking beyond today and
On 4 January, U.S. Secretary of taking into account the energy “Seismic research is vital to unlocking
the Department of the Interior needs of a growing economy energy potential off our coasts,
Ryan Zinke detailed the progress for future generations See the and federal red tape is standing
and path forward for responsibly IAGC Press Release, HERE. in the way. GAO’s rep expert
developing the National Outer feedback highlights the bureaucratic
Continental Shelf (OCS) Program U.S. Government dysfunction, lack of transparency
for 2019-2024. The Draft Proposed Accountability Office and blatant abuses of discretion
Program (DPP) includes 47 Report Finds NMFS Not that has stalled greater exploration
potential lease sales throughout Complying with Statute and development. Congress has an
the U.S. OCS, including Alaska, the on Seismic Surveying obligation to take corrective action,
Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Gulf and with the passage of the SECURE
of Mexico, marking the largest Also announced 4 January, the American Energy Act, we will.”
potential lease sale ever proposed. House Committee on Natural
IACG Newsletter | InDepth 7 January | 2018