Page 8 - 73_PBC to Begg_9-12-16 (20pp)
P. 8

Not only that, but you again commenced stirring up concerns with other lessees as to your imagined and mischievous comments.
On your unexpected and unannounced visit yesterday Friday mid afternoon (15.30) expecting me to be at your beck and call to collect a replacement front door key, you are quite correct, on hearing the unan- nounced knock on my door, I opened my door to see you hiding around the corner and I said, oh no, Michele, no more, I've had enough of your duplicity and yes, I just don't trust you and in the present cli- mate, it would not be advisable for us to be in contact unless others are present. I slammed the door.
If you want an appointment, make one in the normal way.
And I have just become aware of your misinformed comments in the communal Comments Book - the VERY FIRST RECEIVED.... as ever, you have no idea as to what you're talking about complaining no works in progress or workers on site. You obviously meant the interior (which isn't scheduled to com- mence until mid October (if you bothered to read the works schedule I sent everybody weeks ago) but didn't bother to check the scaffolding or roof where works & workers are in hand, ahead of schedule and on budget.
So, yet again you have proved your total misunderstanding of the processes, schedules etc etc. As regards the requested key, I attach an invoice along with a Statement all of which is self explanatory.
I did NOT refuse you a key but said I did not have a key yet. A comprehensive fortnightly works update will be sent to all lessees over the w/end which will include your Comments Book observations as I note you consider your comments to be also agreed by Flats 1, 3, 4, 8 and 9.
But significantly, the only lessees to have paid their Quarterlies to date are the three who opposed spending additional funds over Reserves in hand. Those lessees like yourself that agreed to spend a small fortune despite Management's numerous warnings, are now on call to oblige.
Followed very shortly @ 16.13h on 13 September 2014 - referenced “game, set and match” in previous correspondence and with relevance to your first paragraph of this letter so as to leave no doubt as to what was repeated four times - but obviously to little or no avail as firstly you can’t even identify it correctly but obviously do not consider it “game, set and match” - any inde- pendent peruser will and most certainly will any court in the land.
One third down the email is 3_Notes on the WORKS to date:
“Since the scaffolding commenced installation on Sunday 31st August, exactly two weeks ago, dead on schedule, Management have already saved Lessees £1177.56 OFF the agreed and budgeted £105, 019. (my comment) note reference to “savings made” - begs the question for what? But none was received.
This has been accomplished by Management doing various workings which could be done at a more economical cost (in brief, shop signage (COSTED (Contingency) BY A.R. LAWRENCE FOR £800 plus vat which Management have produced for £125.......and tidying up visible wiring and making Meter Cupboards which A.R.Lawrence costed at £922 plus Vat for 3 meter cupboards and Management have produced same for £648 incl vat but TO ALSO IN- CLUDE BOXING IN THE (some) LOOSE INTERNAL WIRING on all three floors).
This initial saving of £1177.56 will not however be reimbursed to lessees at the end of the works, as Management will utilise this first of many savings, to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (such as the lift workings).(my comment) note reference to “savings made, to be used to progress works on the interior NOT included in the Surveyor's Specifications (such as the lift workings - note please, “such as”)” - begs the question of ”who wanted the lift etc?”But none was received. And hardly indicating any final sum to be appropriated with reference to your, as ever ill-informed, innuendo of 30 times etc - exagger- ation to confuse no doubt! The court will see through that in seconds.
In brief, Management are attempting, and will succeed, in presenting the interior decor of Mitre House to a standard not even envisaged by most lessees, at no additional cost to lessees over and above the agreed £105,019 budget. This will be achieved by making small savings where possible, common sense, hard work and a great deal of thought.

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