Page 27 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 27
Boxford initiatives continue to be based upon plans supported, created and implemented
by many dedicated and talented employees, volunteers and citizens. In recent years, the
Town has seen an increase in approved projects with an elevated focus on renovation and
The Solar Farm
In 2016-2017 the construction of Boxford’s Solar Farm on the Town’s Landfill was
completed. The 912 kW facility consisting of 2,720 solar panels is expected to bring
more than twenty years of economic and environmental benefits to the Town. The
project’s development began in 2014 when Boxford’s Sustainability Committee released
a public RFP. This initiative was a continuation of the committee’s highly successful
reduction in the town’s electricity use and increase in energy efficiency measures.
Borrego Solar Systems, Inc. of San Diego, CA was awarded the solar construction
contract, however, the project stalled when the solar industry reached a net metering cap
on large scale solar projects. Boxford’s project was halted until state legislation was
passed in the summer of 2016.
As we distribute this report, the solar farm is complete and ready to go on line. Boxford
will receive nearly all the town’s municipal annual electricity needs from the solar farm;
electricity that is not only clean but up to 40% cheaper than the town’s current power
purchase rate. In addition, Boxford receives revenue in exchange for leasing the capped
landfill to the solar project’s owner, SunRaise Investments, LLC and GG Renewables.
CG Renewables acquired and constructed the project with plans to remain the long-term
owner and operator. Another financial benefit to Boxford comes in the form of tax
revenue for the life of the installation. Overall, this project is projected to bring $3
million of benefits to Boxford over the next 20 years. Environmentally, each year the
solar farm will offset the equivalent of one million pounds of burning coal as it provides
enough power for 200 homes. The solar farm is expected to begin delivering electricity
in May of 2017 once the connection to the utility is completed.
Solar energy benefits cities and towns by reducing and stabilizing energy costs and
increasing tax revenue. Coupled with recent significant energy saving measures, the
Town is excited to have completed the construction of the solar farm. This project is a
win-win for the Town and its residents.
The Library Expansion Project
In addition to the completed solar project, in 2016 Annual Town Meeting approved a sum
on $60,000 for design, construction and other necessary expenses to fund the expansion
of library services within the Town Hall building. The project was completed on time
and under budget and yields an additional 1600 sq. feet of library space. Fifty-eight
hundred volumes have been added to the collection. The volumes were previously held
in storage at the 188 Washington Street building. The voters’ support of this expansion
has resulted in increased library visitation and elevated circulation numbers.