Page 31 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 31


                   The  Personnel  Board  (the  "Board")  is  committed  to  ensuring  accountability  of  town
                   employees  and  their  supervisor(s)  to  provide  timely  and  constructive  job  performance
                   feedback while also developing meaningful annual performance objectives essential for
                   personnel development.

                   The Board's “open door” policy continues to provide town employees the opportunity to
                   discuss matters impacting their performance, compensation and/or ability to perform their
                   duties  and  responsibilities  for  the  town  of  Boxford.  It  also  provides  a  mechanism  for
                   town employees to submit, present and and/or formulate changes in existing policies and
                   procedures, including, but not limited to compensation and job reclassification matters.

                   FY2016 highlights included:
                       ü  Mr. Robert Fanning joined the Board while Ms. Stephanie Moody resigned from
                          the  Board  in  June  2016  after  three  years  of  dedicated  service.  The  Board  still
                          seeks the addition of one more member.

                       ü  Overhauled and approved a new call firefighter compensation structure after more
                          than 15-years of neglect. The Board worked closely with Chief Geiger and call
                          fire fighter Tom Nee to restructure the program as follows:
                              o Increase workman’s compensation from $1,000/week to $2,000/week for
                                 lost ‘primary’ job wages given most call firefighters are town volunteers.
                              o Increase  the  hourly  rate  paid  to  call  firefighters  including  incentive
                                 increase for those securing certification as a pump operator, EMT and/or
                                 firefighter I or II status.
                              o Expand the late hour response range to 8PM to 8AM.
                              o Maintain the current first response stipend paid to those first on the scene
                                 of a situation.

                       ü  Approved  an  increase  in  the  Plumbing/Gas  Inspector  and  Electrical  Inspector
                          stipend from $630/week to $780/week to cover the increase in permit applications
                          experienced by the Town.
                       ü  Approved, on the recommendation of the Boxford Park’s Program Director, the
                          addition of a nurse and art director to the 2016 summer program.

                   In addition, further refinements and enhancements were made to the town’s review and
                   evaluation process. This represents an on-going process for the Board working diligently
                   with the Board of Selectmen to derive meaningful and targeted feedback on employee

                   Respectfully submitted,
                   Personnel Board:
                   Timothy Feeney (Chair)
                   Robert Fanning
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