Page 28 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 28

As part of this expansion, the Town Clerk’s office was moved up to the second floor of
                   Town Hall.  This transition was planned by Boxford resident and architect Miika Ebbrell,
                   AIA, whose drawings converted a file room and copy room into the new Town Clerk’s

                   The Municipal Facilities Task Force

                   The need to determine a course of action for the future purpose and use of existing and
                   proposed town buildings gave rise to the formation of an ADHOC committee in 2015.
                   The  Planning  Board  created  the  Municipal  Facilities  Task  Force  and  charged  the
                   committee to work with a consultant to create a Comprehensive Non-School Municipal
                   Facilities Plan and Roadmap in 2016.  The original plan was to consider the expansion of
                   library services within Town Hall, relocation of the Town Hall Administration to a new
                   building, relocation of the Council on Aging to 188 Washington Street, demolition of the
                   addition  on  the  Cummings  House  and  renovation  of  the  historic  portion  for
                   library/cultural  purposes,  a 10  year  facility  needs  assessment  for  Fire and  DPW  and  a
                   comprehensive long-term financial plan to mitigate taxpayer impact.  During the course
                   of  the  work,  the  task  force  determined  that  it  was  necessary  to  establish  “course
                   corrections,” causing the group to continue the study  into another  year.  The Board of
                   Selectmen remains firmly in support of the Task Force’s charge to develop an integrated
                   town-wide Building Facility Plan and Roadmap.

                   Other Construction Project Updates
                   The Boxford Common project is nearing completion, proceeding ahead of schedule and
                   within budget.  The Town is looking ahead to a fall opening as substantial completion is
                   expected on or before August 15, 2017.  Games will be scheduled on the artificial turf
                   field in September.  This collaborative effort of many town committees, departments and
                   personnel has resulted in a wonderful asset to the town which will further enhance the
                   recreation and athletic opportunities of Boxford children and residents.

                   Capital Improvements

                   Other activities during the year included the adoption of Town Meeting warrant articles
                   to fund capital purchases for multiple town departments:

                          The Police Department received funding for replacement of the Police radar, radio
                          transmitters and replacement of the camera system at the station.
                          The Fire Department secured funding for new radio transmitters and replacement
                          of the  flooring at Middleton Road Fire Station and the replacement of the Fire
                          Department utility truck.

                          The  Council  on  Aging  received  funding  for  the  replacement  of  carpeting  and
                          picnic tables at the Community Center.

                          The  DPW  received  funding  for  new  carpeting  in  the  DPW  office  trailer,  in
                          addition to a new dump truck and plow.
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