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P. 5
She is from
We got an exclusive interview
with the head of the
Department of Foreign
Languages, in which she told
us a little about the cultural
She has been fair, its origins and also her
living in opinion about it!
Hermosillo for 20 Coordinator of the department of
years Other Languages Karin Neundecker de
What is the Cultural Fair?
The Cultural Fair consists of three parts: The artistic
performance, the informative stands and also the
gastronomic sample. In these parts of the fair, the culture of
the languages of the Other Courses is represented by its
students This is a passive
How did the fair originate?
The reason the Fair exists is to commemorate the day
of the United Nations. 20 years ago, a teacher came up
with the idea so that we could make a celebration for
this day. She must have been so creative to come up
She has been a with that idea! This modal express
coordinator of conclusion about
Other Languages the past
for 12 years