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P. 9
Participating in the French show
by Daniela López S.
For the Cultural Fair, teachers and The morning of the same day of the
students of each language prepare a show at 10:00 am was the rehearsal
show. This year, because I am for all the shows of each language.
enrolled in the French courses, I was Only a few of the participants
able to participate in the show
organized by the French teacher attended but it was important to
Thierry Manceau. From all the levels practice in the actual stage.
of French, the teacher gathered
students who were excited to sing,
help with the costumes and, mostly,
The rehearsals started a month
before the day of the show. Every
Saturday, for two or three hours, the Now, it was time for the real thing.
dance was first taught by a The shows started at 6:00 pm. The
choreographer and then practiced by Lady Gula French show particularly, at 7:00 pm.
all the students who were comitted We prepared ourselves and walked
to the event. There were also to the side of the stage a few
dressmakers and crafters that helped
with the costumes and items to minutes before our turn to present
complete the scene we wanted to the show. In that moment, we felt
create. the rush and the excitement of going
up the stage. We also felt
The theme for the show was French
gastronomy. The teacher chose nervousness; however, we knew we
popular songs and adapted them worked hard and were prepared to
according to the theme. For example, give a good show.
one of the songs was Lady Gaga’s Bad
Romance and it was changed to The host of the show anounced our
‘Gastronomie française’ by ‘Lady turn to go up the stage. The number
Gula’. lasted eight minutes but felt like we
were on stage for eight seconds.
We received good feedback from the
audienced. Days after the show we
heard it was some people’s favorite
number. All the hard work was
worth it.
As the showday came closer, we
rehearsed harder. We practiced with
our props to prevent any accidents.
We even took videos from the
rehearsals to practice in our homes
during the week. Also, the teacher
made sure all the participants knew
what they had to do.