Page 6 - This is your presentation title
P. 6
With how much anticipation does its planning begin?
She is also a
German teacher The teacher begin to plan it with too much anticipation. They
start to plan it at least when returning from summer
vacations, as they need to start planning all the things they
will be presenting at the fair. They also need that much time
to start to practice their artistic presentation.
Who helps organize it?
Mainly, the ones who help organize it are: The coordinator of
the English Teaching B.A, the coordinator of CAALE, the
coordinator of the English courses and, of course, me. We are
the main coordinators, but of course we have our team to
helps us.
She is the only Which languages participate?
teacher giving All the languages in the Other Language courses participate.
German VI classes However, this time, the Spanish did not had enough students,
and that is why they could not participate in this years fair.
They should have participated at least in the stands. This modal express
This modal express conclusions
As a German, what do you think of the German class
performance in the fair?
I think is marvelous. The class does a perfect
representation of the German culture. Also, the food
they sale at the culinary sample is delicious! It can pass
as actual German food. This modal express
What would you say has been a major improvement
since the beginning of the fair?
She has been a
teacher on the The greatest improvement in the fair has been the
Other language interest the students have been showing at each passing
year, as more and more are participating and also
courses for 20 attending, which shows it was a good idea to start this
years celebration. We will need to set the fair in a bigger
place if even more people starts attending!