Page 14 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 14


                               Mondi to produce one million surgical face masks

                      ondi is set to build new                                   production capability of all
                  Mproduction lines in its                                       substantial components posi-
                  plant in Gronau, Germany, to                                   tions us to build up a long-term
                  produce melt blown nonwoven                                    competitive local supply. Once
                  fabric and surgical face masks.                                up and running, we will be able
                  This is part of Mondi’s efforts                                to produce more than one mil-
                  to mitigate the spread of COV-                                 lion face masks per day.” said
                  ID-19 and respond to increased                                 Jürgen Schneider, Managing
                  demand  by  health  authorities,                               Director, Mondi Personal Care
                  businesses and consumers for                                   Components (PCC). The pro-
                  face masks. Mondi Gronau has                                   duction lines will produce melt
                  a proven track record of produc-                               blown nonwoven fabric and
                  ing and handling films, laminates,   creased production of face masks   surgical masks. Given the shortage
                  nonwovens and elastic ear laminates   and melt blown nonwoven fabric   of melt blown fabric in the market
                  for hygiene products. This knowl-  in Gronau. Our people have the   place, Mondi´s plant in Gronau will
                  edge will be applied to  the entire   needed know-how and expertise on   offer approximately 50 percent of its
                  value chain of face mask production.   working with these materials and the   production to other face mask man-
                  “We are well positioned for the in-  technology required. The in-house   ufacturers in Europe.

                    Light-weight specialist Yajima opens US HQ                   Groupe Renault
                                                                                  acquires mask
                     ajima Industry Company Ltd., with specialty in lightweight automotive
                  Yand aerospace products and components and supplier to Subaru of Indiana   production line
                  Automotive Inc., announces the establishment of Yajima USA, located in the   roupe Renault has announced
                  Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette.  Yajima specializes in the production  Gthe acquisition of a mask pro-
                  of sheet metal pressed products using an integrated system from product design   duction line to meet its needs and
                                                  to production, including the die   guarantee  the  health  and  safety  of
                                                  design and its production within   its employees on its sites and in its
                                                  the group of  Yajima Industry,   commercial network in Europe (in-
                                                  which are the strengths of the   dustrial and tertiary sites, and the
                                                  company.  Yajima also provides   Renault and private dealership net-
                                                  special products and components   work). This production unit will
                                                  to the motorsports aftermarket   be located at the Renault plant in
                                                  by making use of its technology   Flins (France) and will start produc-
                                                  to design and produce innova-  tion next July. It will be capable of
                                                  tive, lightweight automotive and   designing up to 1.5 million surgical
                                                  aerospace parts. “The founding   masks per week. By equipping it-
                  of Yajima USA in the Purdue Research Park and its association with Purdue’s   self with a French-technology mask
                  Composites Manufacturing Simulation Center is another example of the success   production line, the Group intends
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  of the Purdue Research Foundation’s efforts to bring high-technology companies   to implement a long-term solution
                  to Indiana to promote the economic vitality of the state of Indiana and the re-  to secure its supplies, cope with the
                  gion,” said Brian Edelman, president of the Purdue Research Foundation.   risks of shortages, delays and price
                                                                              inflation, and thus help to reduce the
                  Open collaborative platform UNITE4COVID launched            strong pressure of demand on this
                                                                              market. All the machines and mate-
                     oyal DSM has announced the launch of UNITE4COVID, a digital, open,   rials used for manufacturing will be
                  Rcollaborative marketplace designed to provide solutions for healthcare pro-  of French or European origin. About
                  fessionals, as well as a forum and collaboration hub for inventors, manufacturers   twenty employees will be trained in
                  and certification labs in the fight against corona. In response to the COVID-19   June by the manufacturer of the pro-
                  pandemic, the manufacturing industry continues to provide help to relieve the   duction unit to be assigned to this
                  urgent need for personal protective equipment (PPE) and other safety equip-  mask manufacturing area. The line
                  ment. From materials to production, manufacturers are coming together to help   will comply with the Group’s safety
                  relieve the urgent need for medical supplies, equipment and replacement parts.   standards and  the masks produced
                  To connect those who wish to help with those who seek help, DSM has launched   will be certified in accordance with
                  a digital platform,                        current standards.

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