Page 16 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 16


                                         BASF and DiDi enter partnership

                     ASF will provide DiDi with                                  and paint shops in China and
                  Bsustainable automotive re-                                    will be expanding to more than
                  finish products developed at its                               200 owned and franchised
                  research and production site in                                shops  globally  by  the  end  of
                  Jiangmen. These products, de-                                  this year. “Simplification is in
                  signed for the Chinese market                                  our DNA. We focus on simpli-
                  meet the stringent standards                                   fying processes and operations
                  implemented in various cities in                               while our business is expand-
                  China. As strategic partners, the                              ing,” said Gu Haijie, President
                  two companies are committed                                    of Xiaoju Autocare. “BASF is
                  to the sustainable development                                 the one-stop solution provider
                  of the carsharing industry in and out   In addition, a dedicated expert team   that can help us standardize the
                  of China. Paint-related products un-  from BASF will perform timely pro-  painting process of our new shops.
                  der the RODIM® brand will be part   fessional technical services for DiDi,   This will help us increase efficiency
                  of the offerings to help body shops   including training for body shop op-  by integrating the whole value chain
                  enhance workflow and overall per-  erators.                 of contractors, dealers, and repair
                  formance for automotive refinishing.   DiDi currently has 25 own body   centers.”

                     Contec, Inc., Milliken                  JLR scales up production of
                      partner to produce                      NHS-approved face visors
                          disinfectant                aguar Land Rover is scal-
                                                    Jing up production of its
                     he demand for antibacterial cleaning   protective face visors in a
                  Tsupplies continues to climb in re-  continued effort to support
                  sponse to the COVID-19 pandemic, and   the fight against Coronavi-
                  healthcare institutions are looking for ef-  rus. New tooling, developed
                  fective alternatives to traditional solutions.   by WHS Plastics, will pro-
                  To fill this need, Contec, Inc., the indus-  duce a further 14,000 visors
                  try leader in critical cleaning products and   each week for key workers
                  cleanroom supplies, is scaling up produc-  across the UK. The carmak-
                  tion of its Sporicidin brand disinfectant,   er recently announced the
                  most often used for mold and water dam-  manufacture of 3D-printed
                  age remediation, and turned to diversified   face visors at its Advanced Product Creation Centre in Gaydon, home to
                  global manufacturer and materials science   one of the most advanced 3D-printing facilities in Europe. Visors have
                  expert Milliken & Company to help pro-  been produced and shipped to NHS Trusts across the UK, including the
                  duce mass quantities. “Milliken immedi-  Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and South Warwickshire
                  ately came to mind when we decided to   NHS Foundation Trust. Now, using injection mould tooling supplied by
                  bring on a new manufacturing partner,”   WHS Plastics of Sutton Coldfield, the operation will produce in excess
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  shared Jack McBride, Contec, Inc. CEO.   of 2,000 per day – with one polypropylene headband generated every 30
                  “Milliken is a trusted, key community   secs. Each face visor has been designed to be reusable and can be easily
                  player with the mass production, quality   dismantled and cleaned before being used again, safeguarding NHS trusts
                  systems and speed-to-market capabilities   against future shortages. Paul Nicholson, Group Managing Director for
                  needed to help us provide critical cleaning   WHS Plastics Ltd, said: “In manufacturing, we are uniquely placed to
                  solutions to healthcare facilities without   support our essential services, to help deliver critical equipment to those
                  delay.”  “Companies are adapting their   on the frontline here in the Midlands. It’s a small effort, but by working
                  core competencies to meet the global chal-  with Jaguar Land Rover we can help turn the tide.”
                  lenges brought on by COVID-19,” said
                  Halsey M. Cook, president and CEO of      Songwon gets new distributor
                  Milliken & Company. “Partnering with
                  Contec, Inc. was a natural fit, and gave   ongwon Industrial Co., Ltd. has signed an exclusive distribution agree-
                  Milliken the opportunity to quickly recon- Sment with Biesterfeld France. As from May 1, 2020, Biesterfeld France
                  figure our manufacturing capabilities and   has been exclusively distributing the Songwon polymer stabilizer range in
                  rapidly solve problems for our customers   France. Biesterfeld France is part of the German Biesterfeld Group, ranked
                  and communities.”                 by ICIS as one of the Top Ten chemical distributors worldwide.

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