Page 18 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 18


                               Siemens opens its Additive Manufacturing Network

                    n response to the ongoing global                          providers with medically certified
                  Ihealth crisis caused by the out-                           printing capacities can register for
                  break of the COVID-19 virus, Sie-                           free access to the Siemens AM Net-
                  mens is making its Additive Manu-                           work. “Having worked on Additive
                  facturing (AM) Network along with                           Manufacturing for years, we offer
                  its 3D printers, available to the                           AM solutions along the entire value
                  global medical community to speed                           chain and can print 3D parts quickly
                  design and production of medical                            according to acute demands. To help
                  components. The AM Network con-                             fight COVID-19, we have opened
                  nects users, designers and 3D-print                         our AM Network for hospitals and
                  service providers to enable faster and                      other health institutions needing
                  less complicated production of spare                        spare medical parts to efficiently
                  parts for machines like ventilators.                        manage their design and printing re-
                  The Siemens AM network is avail-  the printing process and associated   quests”, said Klaus Helmrich, Mem-
                  able globally and covers the entire   services. Doctors, hospitals and or-  ber of the Managing Board of Sie-
                  value chain – from upload and simu-  ganizations in need of medical de-  mens AG and CEO Siemens Digital
                  lation to checking the design up to   vices as well as designers and service   Industries.

                   Covestro & Teknor Apex               Mitsubishi Chemical acquires Gelest
                       enter agreement
                                                         itsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC) has announced that its
                      aterials manufacturer Covestro and  Msubsidiary Mitsubishi Chemical America, Inc. has entered into a
                  Mglobal plastics compounder Teknor   definitive agreement to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares
                  Apex intend to cooperate closely on com-  of Gelest Intermediate Holdings, Inc., the parent of Gelest, Inc. Comple-
                  pounding thermoplastic polyurethane   tion of the transaction is expected in 2020, pending customary regulatory
                  (TPU) and have signed a cooperation   review and approval. Gelest is an American manufacturer, and supplier
                  agreement to this effect.  TPU is an ex-  of silicones, organosilanes, metal organics, and specialty monomers for
                  tremely versatile plastic, which Covestro   advanced technology end markets including medical devices, life sciences,
                  has been producing in pure form for many   microelectronics, and personal care. “We are excited to acquire Gelest as
                  years for use in various industry sectors.   its business fits well within MCC’s long term strategy,” said Steve Yurich,
                  Through  compounding,  i.e. mixing  with   President of MCA. “Since becoming familiar with Gelest, we have rec-
                  other materials, the array of achievable   ognized the tremendous capabilities in research and development and
                  properties can be increased considerably   production that help create its outstanding position with key customers.
                  further. This is a particular strength of   Furthermore, MCC’s operating resources and customer network will en-
                  Teknor Apex.                      hance the ability to bring Gelest’s technologies to market and accelerate
                     “We are happy to team-up with such   the development of new customer solutions to drive advances in digital
                  a competent and complementary partner   social infrastructure, vision care, and other life sciences applications. We
                  for processing TPU on a global scale,” says   look forward to working alongside the team at Gelest to drive the contin-
                  Dr. Thorsten Dreier, the new global head   ued growth of the company.”
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  of the TPU business at Covestro. “Togeth-
                  er with Teknor Apex, we want to develop    Clariant to increase capacity
                  customized products to grow together with
                  our existing and new customers.” Coves-  lariant is expanding production capacity for its isethionates deriva-
                  tro supports the marketing of the jointly  Ctives - Hostapon SCI - mild surfactants to support the increasing shift
                  developed products by Teknor Apex with   by personal care formulators and brands towards using mild surfactants to
                  its Desmoflex brand. “We are excited to   differentiate applications. It also supports the growing consumer trend for
                  become  Covestro’s  preferred  global  com-  hygiene products. The investment at facilities in Europe and the USA will
                  pounding partner. The combination of   bring additional capacity on stream during Q1 2021. “As one of the lead-
                  Covestro’s expertise in  TPU resin with   ing company for specialty chemicals in personal care, Clariant continues
                  Teknor Apex’s custom formulation and   to invest and support the latest trends in the sector. Mild surfactants are a
                  compounding capabilities provide a com-  growing sector driven by consumers seeking new mildness claims, invalu-
                  pelling value driver for our combined cus-  able in helping formulators to answer needs for mild cleansing hygiene,
                  tomers worldwide,” says Sachin Sakhalkar,   sensitive skin solutions, solid formats and more natural ingredients,” com-
                  Vice President, TPE Division, at Teknor   mented Christian Vang, Global Head of Business Unit Industrial & Con-
                  Apex.                             sumer Specialties.

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