Page 24 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 24


                      DSM to expand capacity at plant in Evansville, Indiana, US
                     oyal DSM has announced it is futureproofing and ex-
                  Rpanding the capacity of its high-performance materi-
                  als compounding plant in Evansville, Indiana, USA. With
                  the investment, DSM will enhance the site to produce
                  the next generation of advanced materials, including bio-
                  based thermoplastics. The project is expected to be com-
                  pleted in Q3 2021.
                     The extensive modernization and expansion of the
                  site is being driven by increasing customer demand for
                  advanced material solutions for electrification, metal re-
                  placement and lightweighting in multiple industries. It
                  includes the addition of the latest state-of-the-art produc-
                  tion technologies, increasing efficiency and sustainability   tools to meet this need today and in the future.”
                  throughout the facility.                        Shruti Singhal, President at DSM Engineering Plas-
                     “As demand from our customers for sustainable sourc-  tics said: “This investment reinforces our focus on North
                  es of advanced materials grows, so does our need to invest”,   America being a key growth market for our business. It
                  said Jud Gibson, Vice President Commercial Americas at   also underlines DSM’s commitment to serve our custom-
                  DSM Engineering Plastics. “The expansion of our North   ers by continuously improving the technology and sustain-
                  American operations helps to ensure we have the right   ability of our facilities around the world.”

                     Tata Motors Lucknow plant                   Arburg formally opens new
                               going green                                training center

                     ata Motors Luc-                               rburg has recently inaugurated its new training centre
                  Tknow  plant  has                             Ain the presence of around 170 invited guests from the
                  minimized the use                             region. The new 13,700 sq m building will allow customers
                  of energy in its func-                        to benefit from the latest digital training technology and
                  tions and processes                           machine equipment. “Our intention to build such a train-
                  with its constructive                         ing centre was sim-
                  and consistent ef-                            ply about people,”
                  forts. The company’s                          emphasized Michael
                  Lucknow plant has                             Hehl,  Managing
                  adopted an Energy Management System (EMS), which has   Partner and Spokes-
                  ensured a substantial reduction of 38 percent in specific en-  person for the Man-
                  ergy consumption over the last four years, i.e. from 406 kWh   agement in his open-
                  / equivalent vehicle in FY2015-16 to 250 kWh / equivalent   ing speech. “That is
                  vehicle in FY2018-19. Tata Motors’ Lucknow plant is mov-  because despite high
                  ing swiftly towards improving its energy efficiency by lev-  tech and increasing digitalisation, people still play a crucial
                  eraging innovation, optimizing operations,  implementing   role for a successful future.” The new training centre, of-
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  energy-efficient technologies, adoption of energy conserva-  fering 13,700 m² of floor space, features a large machine
                  tion measures, use of renewable sources of energy, low-cost   hall with space for 15 Allrounders to provide practical
                  automation and introducing employee suggestion schemes.   training courses on Arburg technology. But there is also
                  Speaking on the initiatives, Pramod Choudhary, Plant Head   ample space for theory courses, with 11 classrooms being
                  - Tata Motors Lucknow, “Environment protection features   available, all of which are equipped with a modern smart
                  as a top priority agenda in our business and we have set the   board. In addition, each course participant uses his or her
                  action plans for carbon emission control, energy conserva-  own touch-screen PC running a simulated control system.
                  tion, water conservation, and waste management. Our Luc-  The PCs are networked with each other. But there is even
                  know plant has always been cognizant of the need for energy   more digitalisation than that: data can be transferred from
                  conservation and has been steadily making progress towards   the smart board in the classroom to a smaller board on the
                  attaining 100 percent renewable energy sourcing for all its   respective machine. This enables real-time interaction and
                  operations by 2030. We have increased the share of renew-  cooperation independent of location or device. The new
                  able energy to over 16 percent in the last two years by in-  building will increase the total floor space at the German
                  stalling 4MWp capacity Roof top Solar power plant in the   headquarters by almost five percent to around 180,000 sq
                  plant premises. We will continue to drive such innovative   m. In architectural terms, the training centre resembles the
                  initiatives.”                                 Customer Center inaugurated in 2009.

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