Page 26 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 26
How Plastic is saving us from
The material plastic though considered an environmental hazard, is
contributing as a wonderful material in the form of personal protection
equipment (PPE) - protecting doctors, nurses, frontline health workers, law
enforcing agencies, sanitation workers and volunteers from the virus.
By Dr. Vasi Shaikh
oronavirus outbreak is the
world’s worst and most
challenging crisis since
CSecond World War with no
modern parallels. The global reach of
the coronavirus, and the societal and
economic shutdowns, has touched
everyone and everywhere. People are
forced to stay away from work. The
economic hit could be enormous, af-
fecting every sector for a long time.
The crisis, once expected to last for
a month or two, is here to stay for
an extended period. This pandemic
is a test of our resolve, solidarity and
trust in science. deaths have already occurred. be used only once. Banned just a few
With no specific vaccines or treat- Amidst this havoc, one material months ago, its demand has almost
ments available, the best way to pre- which is contributing silently and doubled across the world during this
vent or slow down the transmission rising against the pandemic is “Plas- crucial time of pandemic. From 25
is protecting yourself and others from tic.” Yes, the material plastic though percent in 2018, the share of PP in
infection. Even a moderate outbreak considered an environmental hazard, total polymer consumption is poised
will require huge number of isola- is contributing as a wonderful mate- to almost double by 2030. Due to
tion wards, hospital beds, ventilators, rial in the form of personal protec- the shortage of protective gears,
medical equipment, accessories and tion equipment (PPE) - protecting WHO has called on the industries
testing kits than the country has. This doctors, nurses, frontline health and governments to increase manu-
The Economic Times POLYMERS | April-May 2020
will create a panic situation and im- workers, law enforcing agencies, san- facturing by 40 percent to meet ris-
pose an enormous pressure on health- itation workers and volunteers from ing global demand.
care systems. The world’s infected the virus. PPE, including masks, gloves,
population has crossed three million PPE is made of polypropylene respirators, face shields, head and
mark and over two hundred thousand (PP), a non-woven material that can foot covers, medical gowns and
aprons, is made up of single use
plastic. Also, there is a key role of
“PLASTICS ARE ALSO BEING USED other plastics in the manufacture
IN SAMPLE COLLECTION TUBES, of protective goggles, thermal ther-
SYRINGES, BLOOD BAGS, THERMAL mometers, other medical equipment
THERMOMETERS, ANTI-MICROBIAL and even ventilators. In the absence
VINYL FLOORING, CURTAINS, of treatment or vaccines, the above
SANITIZER BOTTLES, CLEANING gears and equipment have become
EQUIPMENT, FOOD PACKAGING, VENTILATOR life-saving shields for health workers.
PARTS ETC.” We can’t stop COVID-19 without
protecting health workers first.