Page 28 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 28


                     Masks and respirators are manu-
                  factured  using  non-woven  fabrics   “PPE, INCLUDING MASKS, GLOVES, RESPIRATORS,
                  (similar to thick carry bags resem-  FACE SHIELDS, HEAD AND FOOT COVERS,
                  bling cloth, available in market)   MEDICAL GOWNS AND APRONS, IS MADE UP OF
                  made from plastics like polypropyl-  SINGLE USE PLASTIC. ALSO, THERE IS A KEY ROLE
                  ene to filter the virus. They are also   OF OTHER PLASTICS IN THE MANUFACTURE
                  available in many different grades   OF PROTECTIVE GOGGLES, THERMAL
                  (filtering ability) depending on the
                  level of protection the user requires.   THERMOMETERS, OTHER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
                  Other plastics such as polystyrene,        AND EVEN VENTILATORS.”
                  polycarbonate, polyethylene, or pol-
                  yester are also used to make masks.                         four patients during emergencies.
                     Scientist world over are working                         Few more innovations such as 3D
                  24/7 to tackle the present calam-                           printed masks etc. also make use of
                  ity. There is a proposal to consider                        this technology. Another team of re-
                  adopting  “bag valve masks”. Bag                            searchers have developed a low-cost,
                  valve masks are small, handheld, self-                      indigenous prototype of polymer
                  inflatable devices made from metal                          swab to collect of samples for coro-
                  and plastic gears, used to deliver                          navirus testing.
                  breathing support in emergency sit-                            Safe disposal of infected se-
                  uations. Another innovation, which                          cretions and body fluids from
                  selectively separates oxygen from                           COVID-19 patients in hospitals
                  atmospheric  air,  uses  membranes                          and quarantine centers is another
                  entirely made up of polymers. ‘Oxy-                         important issue. To tackle this, sci-
                  gen enrichment units’ which  make                           entists have developed a polymeric
                  use of polymeric hollow fiber mem-  These detect people with fever up to   superabsorbent material which ab-
                  branes are one of the critical needs   five meters away and sound an alarm   sorbs infected body fluid efficiently.
                  of COVID-19 patients due to poor   when anyone with high temperature   This technology allows safe disposal
                  lungs condition.              comes close. Efforts are underway to   of medical waste reducing the risk of
                     A  shortage  of  PPE  is  forcing   develop robots that will serve medi-  secondary infection.
                  health workers to use alternative   cines and food in isolation wards and   In addition to the above, plastics
                  safety gears made of plastic water   reduce exposure risk.  are also being used in sample col-
                  jars, plastic sheets, plastic laundry   To meet the urgent need re-  lection tubes, syringes, blood bags,
                  bags and even garbage bags. Though   searchers have developed low cost   thermal thermometers, anti-micro-
                  it sounds funny, some doctors in ru-  face shields for doctors and health   bial vinyl flooring, curtains, sanitizer
                  ral areas have created an artificial wall   workers by using transparent plas-  bottles, cleaning equipment, food
                  between them  and patients using   tic and foam sheets that are readily   packaging, ventilator parts etc.
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  thin transparent plastic sheet (poly-  available. 3D plastic printing tech-  Though the above innovations
                  ethylene), during routine checkups   nology has also come to the rescue.   and applications are not a direct
                  so as to avoid direct contact and any   Amidst the shortage of ventilators,   treatment of the disease, they have
                  chances infection.            researchers have also developed a 3D   proved to play a decisive role in con-
                     Smart helmets, to be worn by   printed four way plastic splitter, so   tainment of the disease. Haphazard
                  police officials, have been developed.   that one ventilator can be used for   usages of plastic along with poor lit-
                                                                              tering habits have made people think
                                                                              that the use of plastics should be
                    HAPHAZARD USAGES OF PLASTIC ALONG WITH                    banned. However, the present situa-
                     POOR LITTERING HABITS HAVE MADE PEOPLE                   tion makes us introspect and rethink
                    THINK THAT THE USE OF PLASTICS SHOULD BE                  that we have a choice of making ju-
                     BANNED. HOWEVER, THE PRESENT SITUATION                   dicious use of this gifted material.
                    HAVE A CHOICE OF MAKING JUDICIOUS USE OF                  All images courtesy of author. The author
                                THIS GIFTED MATERIAL.                         is Professor, School of Polymer Engineering,
                                                                              MIT World Peace University, Pune

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