Page 31 - ETP-April-May2020
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          bers.  The association is committed   Are you catering only to the   sure that the company has the global
          to create awareness and educate the   domestic market from your manu-  process  engineering  wherewithal  in
          end users, planners, specifiers, tech-  facturing facility or are you also   place for accommodating the wide
          nocrats, builders, architects and so   exporting? If yes, then please share   variety of Rehau product solutions.
          on by highlighting the comprehen-  some information about your   Further, Rehau pools its know-how
          sive value propositions  of uPVC   exports business.       related to polymers, additives, paints
          windows and doors including energy   Apart from catering to the domestic   and pigments at the Corporate Re-
          conservation, eco-friendliness and   market, we are also exporting our   search and Development Material
          re-cyclability. In 2020-21, UWD-  exclusive range of products to the   (C-R&D  MAT)  department  which
          MA aims to further extend its col-  countries in Indian subcontinent   is Rehau’s global material  expertise
          laborative efforts to achieve sustain-  and Africa. Rehau has emerged as a   network. Simultaneously a wide
          able industrial growth by providing   frontrunner in offering cutting-edge   range of tests are conducted on ma-
          technical support and networking   premium product range of distinc-  terials and components in the associ-
          platform  through its events meant   tive  designs  blended  with  the  right   ated central laboratories.
          to facilitate knowledge sharing  on   balance of ergonomics and comfort
          latest innovations in the industry.   in all these countries.    Any plans of expansion in the
          UWDMA will also organise aware-                            near future?
          ness seminars to benefit all its associ-  Tell us something about your   We are very bullish on our expan-
          ates and fabricators.        R&D activities. What role does   sion in India. Our retail approach is
                                       innovation play in your business?   integrated with new formats of retail
          Tell us something about Rehau’s   Our highly efficient R&D team re-  experience  centres aimed at bring-
          manufacturing capabilities and   mains engaged in research and de-  ing the exclusive products of Rehau
          capacities in India.         velopment with the aim to develop   closer to its valued customers.
          We have three manufacturing plants   and introduce highly innovative
          in India out of which two plants   products.  At Rehau, research and   Rehau also provides optimal sup-
          are located in Pune and one plant   development into new processes as   ply chain solutions. Tell us about
          is situated in Vadodara. Running in   well as into core process engineering   the same.
          full capacity, we are producing our   is the remit of Corporate Research   Rehau provides optimal supply
          exclusive  products  including  edge-  and Development Process Technolo-  chain solutions, such as just-in-time
          bands and windows in these plants.  gies (C-R+D PT). The aim is to en-  deliveries. Over many years Rehau
                                                                     has developed a wide network of
                                                                     manufacturing centres around the
             “REHAU PROVIDES OPTIMAL SUPPLY CHAIN                    globe and it produces its products   The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
           SOLUTIONS, SUCH AS JUST-IN-TIME DELIVERIES.               in a number of plants in different
             OVER MANY YEARS REHAU HAS DEVELOPED A                   countries. Our business continuity
           WIDE NETWORK OF MANUFACTURING CENTRES                     plan has always been to be as flex-
               AROUND THE GLOBE AND IT PRODUCES                      ible and secure as possible in order
              ITS PRODUCTS IN A NUMBER OF PLANTS IN                  to maintain supply and stock of
                       DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.”                         a full range of products for all our

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