Page 36 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 36


                                   Toyota Yaris Cross makes world debut

                     oyota has announced that its                              size while providing SUV-like in-
                  Tnew compact SUV, the  Yaris                                 terior comfort and luggage room.
                  Cross, originally planned to be re-                          The exterior design, though sim-
                  vealed at the 2020 Geneva Motor                              ple, expresses the robustness of an
                  Show, has made its world debut. As                           SUV. The interior design is also
                  a new SUV that inherits the quali-                           shaped to give it a feeling of higher
                  ties of the brand’s flagship com-                            quality and comfort.
                  pact car, Yaris, Yaris Cross will be                            The  new  vehicle  follows  last
                  launched in Japan in Autumn this                             year’s  debut of  the  all-new Yaris,
                  year, and in Europe mid- 2021.                               unveiled in October 2019 as the
                     By adopting the all-new hybrid system and the TNGA   next-generation compact car. Yaris Cross will be manufac-
                  platform (GA-B) for compact cars, the ‘Yaris Cross’ offers   tured at Toyota Motor East Japan Co., Ltd. for the Japan
                  a higher dimension of basic and environmental perfor-  market, and at Toyota Motor Manufacturing France for
                  mance. Also, the vehicle achieves an easy-to-handle body   the European market.

                   Groupe Renault changes strategy                    Emerald Sage to acquire
                              for China market                          stake in Apollo Tyres

                      roupe Renault has unveiled its new strategy for the Chinese   he Competition Commission of India
                  GMarket to focus on electric vehicles (EV) and Light Commer- T(CCI) has approved the proposed acquisi-
                  cial Vehicles (LCV). With regards to the ICE passenger car seg-  tion of 9.93% stake by Emerald Sage Investment
                  ment, Groupe Renault has entered into a preliminary agreement   Limited in Apollo Tyres Limited. The proposed
                  with Dongfeng Motor Corporation under which Renault transfers   combination envisages subscription by Emerald
                  its shares to Dongfeng. DRAC will stop its Renault brand-related   Sage Investment Limited (Emerald) to 10.80
                  activities. Renault will continue to provide high quality aftersales   crores compulsorily convertible preference shares
                  service for its 300,000 customers through Renault dealers but also   constituting approximately 9.93% of the post-is-
                  through Alliance synergies. Further development for Renault brand   sue paid up share capital of Apollo Tyres Limited
                  passenger cars will be detailed later within future new mid-term-  (Apollo).
                  plan Renault.                                         Emerald is an investment holding company
                     Furthermore, Renault and Dongfeng will continue to cooperate   incorporated under the laws of Mauritius. Share-
                  with Nissan on new generation engines like components supply to   holders of Emerald are certain private equity
                  DRAC and diesel license to Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. Re-  funds managed by Warburg Pincus LLC, which
                  nault and Dongfeng will also engage in innovative cooperation in   acts as a manager to certain private equity funds.
                  the field of intelligent connected vehicles. “We are opening a new   The portfolio companies owned by these private
                  chapter in China. We will concentrate on electric vehicles and light   equity funds are active in a variety of sectors in-
                  commercial vehicles, the two main drivers for future clean mobil-  cluding energy, financial services, healthcare and
                  ity and more efficiently leverage our relationship with Nissan,” said   consumer, industrial and business services, tech-
                  Francois Provost, Chairman of China region of Groupe Renault.  nology, media and telecommunications.
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                               Hyundai Motor India partners with Air Liquide

                      yundai Motor India (HMI) has   used by healthcare professionals that   CEO, Hyundai Motor India Ltd.,
                  Hentered into a partnership with   take over the work of breathing from   said, “Ventilators and other respirato-
                  Air Liquide Medical Systems Pvt.   a patient who is unable to breathe   ry aids are critical devices in the fight
                  Ltd. (ALMS) a Manufacturer of ICU   on their own by delivering air with   against COVID-19 and to this end,
                  Ventilators, to augment the produc-  high concentration of oxygen to their   Hyundai & Air Liquide Medical Sys-
                  tion and supply of Ventilators in Ta-  lungs. For patients severely affected by   tems are working together to ensure a
                  mil Nadu and other states. With this   COVID-19, ventilators are critical to   steady supply of Ventilators in India.
                  partnership HMI and ALMS aim to   ensure continuous oxygen is supplied   As a Socially Responsible and Car-
                  achieve a target of 1000 ventilators   to overcome respiratory insufficiency.  ing Brand, Hyundai is committed to
                  in the Phase 1 of production, and to   Commenting on this arrange-  serving society in every way and will
                  scale up subsequently.        ment    with  Air  Liquide  Medical   continue to support the Government
                     Ventilators are medical devices   Systems Pvt. Ltd., SS Kim, MD &   in India’s war againstCOVID-19.”

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