Page 37 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 37


                       Applications in Supply Chain

                 Block chain can enable direct interaction among various parties in a supply
                  chain, establishing program driven trust and eliminating intermediaries.

                                         By Dr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan

                he supply chain industry   proving  the  source,  and
                consists  of  several  non-  differentiating it from a
                trusting parties interact-  fake.
         Ting with each other, ex-        Similarly, in agri-
          changing a humongous amount of   culture, produce can
          information through documents.   be tracked from farm
          The application of Block chain to   to fork, and IoT tech-
          the supply chain industry promises   nology can be used to
          a huge benefit in terms of stream-  monitor storage condi-
          lining of operations, speedy and ef-  tions like temperature
          ficient processes, and elimination of   to ensure it is not spoilt
          time, effort- and money-consuming   along the way. IBM & Maersk led   nomic impact can be felt in three to
          paperwork.                   consortium Travelens, Walmart Led   five years.
            Block chain can enable direct   consortium Food  Trust and Sam-
          interaction among various parties   sung & port of Rotterdam consor-  Initiatives in India
          in a supply chain, establishing pro-  tium Deliver have made substantial   The following are the Block chain
          gram driven trust and eliminating   progress in the recent past to create a   applications being implemented in
          intermediaries. One example could   cross border, multi-party block chain   India currently:
          be the tracking of refrigerated goods   systems in the Supply Chain and Lo-  •  Land records - APCRDA is im-
          by recording the temperature across   gistics domain.         plementing DLT for recording
          the value chain with the help of IoT                          Land registration. This is being
          devices. Further, the movement of   Block chain in            implemented by ZEBI, a Hy-
          goods from the manufacturer to the   Manufacturing            derabad based company.
          end consumer, along with the vari-  A lot of activity in Block chain tech-  •  University  certificate-  Zebi  is
          ous parameters associated with the   nology is centred on financial appli-  also implementing Block chain
          goods, can be tracked on a live basis   cations, asset tracking, and supply   based certificate management
          with IoT sensors and devices tagged   chain. The application of a frame-  for 35 Universities/ Colleges in
          to the goods. This will further help   work to identify various aspects in   Karnataka &AP.
          in the elimination of fake products   the manufacturing sector gives us an   •  Unsolicited  Commercial  Com-
          as their ownership can be traced.  idea of the segments that are amena-  munication tracking: Tech Ma-
            In the pharmaceutical industry,   ble to the application of Block chain   hindra along with Microsoft &
          it  would be  possible to  track  the   technology. The activities  that may   IBM has implemented a DLT
          movement of a medicine strip across   see strong benefits from Block chain   solution  for  registering  cus-
          the value chain - from the manufac-  technology  are  mostly  in  the  proof   tomer  preferences  and  tracking
          turer to the last distribution point -   of concept stage, and their real eco-  customer complaints about the
                                                                        UCC. All the telecom com-
                                                                        panies and  TRAI along with
                        “IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL                          approved Third party service
                        INDUSTRY, IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE                  providers  and  approved  Tele-  The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                        TO TRACK THE MOVEMENT OF A                      marketers are sharing the data
                        MEDICINE STRIP ACROSS THE VALUE                 of the preferences recorded &
                        CHAIN - FROM THE MANUFACTURER                   violations as per complaints by
                        TO THE LAST DISTRIBUTION POINT -                customers. Any cellular service
          PROVING THE SOURCE, AND DIFFERENTIATING IT                    provider unable to block such
          FROM A FAKE.”                                                 UCC calls will be heavily fined.
                                                                     •  Some of the states have started

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