Page 39 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 39


                               Ready for the future!

                 Keeping in mind the potential of future economic growth from the medical
               devices industry, it is evident that India is on its way to becoming future-ready.

                                            By Anand Srinivasan

                he Healthcare Industry in                            Act and the recent concerns raised
                India is one of the most im-                         over the safety of patients requires
                portant sectors not only for                         bringing all medical devices under
         Tits social significance, but                               regulation.  While the recent devel-
          also in terms of generating revenue                        opment from the Health Ministry
          and employment. Due to increas-                            to reach a consensus on the Medical
          ing  health  awareness,  penetration                       Devices Bill to improve safety and
          of health insurance and government                         promote domestic manufacturing of
          healthcare schemes like Ayushmaan                          Medical Devices is underway, it will
          Bharat, the Indian Healthcare Sector                       be equally important to ensure the
          is experiencing a new wave of oppor-                       right use of raw materials to main-
          tunities. There are, however, some                         tain the highest quality standards.
          important challenges that the sector
          needs to  address in order  to make                        Selecting the right material
          healthcare accessible, affordable and                      Selection of the right material for de-
          of consistent quality. As per a FIC-                       veloping a medical device is the pri-
          CI-KPMG report, India’s healthcare                         mary step considering parameters of
          sector is poised to touch a whopping
          US$280 billion in size by 2025 and   “CURRENTLY, ONLY 23 CATEGORIES OF MEDICAL
          grow at a compound annual growth   DEVICES ARE REGULATED IN INDIA UNDER THE
          rate of 16 percent. Medical Devices
          industry is one of the most impor-  DRUGS AND COSMETICS (D&C) ACT AND THE
          tant industries in the healthcare sec-  RECENT CONCERNS RAISED OVER THE SAFETY
          tor to ensure safety and well-being of   OF PATIENTS REQUIRES BRINGING ALL MEDICAL
          patients across the world. Currently,   DEVICES UNDER REGULATION.”
          India imports 80 percent of its medi-
          cal devices and efforts need to be   very positive move last year by pro-  functionality,  logistics,  budget,  and
          made to encourage manufacturing   posing a single regulatory framework   prior standardisation set. Physical
          of medical devices locally. With the   for all medical devices to meet cer-  properties like density, transparency
          right use of innovation and technol-  tain standards of quality and efficacy.   and electrical conductivity are essen-
          ogy, medical devices need to be con-  India has approximately 800 medi-  tial for many devices and chemical
          stantly improvised and upgraded to   cal device manufacturers, but stand-  properties like resistance to degra-
          meet the highest quality of standards   ard regulation for materials used in   dation through contact with lubri-
          and global norms.            medical devices still remains a major   cants, solvents, moistures or electro-
                                       concern for the health sector. Cur-  magnetic radiations also need to be
          Standards of quality and     rently, only 23 categories of medical   critically noted. India is among the
          efficacy                     devices are regulated in India under   top 20 global medical devices mar-
          The Government of India made a   the Drugs and  Cosmetics  (D&C)   ket and is the fourth largest medical
                                                                     devices market in Asia after Japan,   The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                                                                     China, and South Korea. As per the
                “AS PER A FICCI-KPMG REPORT, INDIA’S                 industry estimates, the medical de-
            HEALTHCARE SECTOR IS POISED TO TOUCH A                   vices industry in India is poised to
           WHOPPING US$280 BILLION IN SIZE BY 2025 AND               reach US$50 billion.
                            OF 16 PERCENT.”                          The author is Managing Director, Covestro

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