Page 35 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 35


                  The Volvo Group and Daimler Truck AG join hands

             aimler Truck AG and the Vol-                             other areas of business. Joining forc-
         Dvo Group have signed a pre-                                 es will decrease development costs
          liminary non-binding agreement to                           for both companies and accelerate
          establish a new joint venture. The                          the market introduction of fuel cell
          intention is to develop, produce                            systems in products used for heavy-
          and commercialize fuel cell systems                         duty transport and demanding
          for heavy-duty vehicle applications                         long-haul applications. In the con-
          and other use cases. Daimler will                           text of the current economic down-
          consolidate all its current fuel cell                       turn cooperation has become even
          activities in the joint venture. The                        more necessary in order to meet the
          Volvo Group will acquire 50 percent in the joint venture   Green Deal objectives within a feasible time-frame.
          for the sum of approximately EUR 0.6 billion on a cash   The common goal is for both companies to offer
          and debt free basis.                        heavy-duty vehicles with fuel cells for demanding long-
            The Volvo Group and Daimler Truck AG will be 50/50   haul applications in series production in the second half
          partners in the joint venture, which will operate as an inde-  of the decade. In addition, other automotive and non-au-
          pendent and autonomous entity, with Daimler Truck AG   tomotive use cases are also part of the new joint venture’s
          and the Volvo Group continuing to be competitors in all   scope.

            TVS Motor Company acquires                        Toyota European R&D
                            Norton                             base name changed

             VS Motor Company announced the successful acquisition of   oyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced
         TBritain’s most iconic sporting motorcycle, “Norton”, in an  Tthat its European research and development
          all-cash deal for a consideration of GBP16 million by acquiring   base,  Toyota Motorsport GmbH (TMG), has
          certain assets of Norton Motorcycles (UK) Limited (in admin-  changed its company name to Toyota Gazoo Rac-
                            istration) through one of TVS Motor’s   ing  Europe GmbH  (TGR-E). TMG was initially
                            overseas subsidiaries. This will be one   established as Andersson Motorsport GmbH in
                            of  the  most  interesting  acquisitions   Köln in 1979, then changed its name to TMG in
                            of a storied motorcycle maker in re-  1993, when it became a wholly-owned subsidiary
                            cent times and will reflect TVS Motor   of Toyota.
                            Company’s and India’s rapidly rising   In addition to the company’s engagement in
                            prominence  in  the international  two-  motorsports activities, which it has been conduct-
                            wheeler market.                ing since its establishment, in recent years, the
                               Founded by James Lansdowne Nor-  company has expanded its work with the GAZOO
                            ton, in Birmingham, in 1898, Norton   Racing Company (GRC) by applying the expertise
                            Motorcycles is among the most popular   and experience it has cultivated in motorsports over
                            British motorcycle brands of all time   the years to the development of GR series produc-
          | “Norton will continue to   and is one of the most emotive marques   tion cars. The change in the company name reflects
          retain its distinctive identity   today. Since the 20th century, Norton   its closer relationship with GRC. Going forward,
          with dedicated and specific   Motorcycles is renowned for their clas-  TGR-E will continue to serve as the hub for Toyota’s
          business plans.” - Sudarshan
          Venu, Joint MD, TVS Motor   sic models and eclectic range of luxury   motorsports activities in Europe, working together
          Company           motorcycles ranging from authentic   with GRC from its base in Köln, Germany, and
                            retro classic reboots of the famous Com-  engage in activities including supplying engines for
          mando to their contemporary 200 bhp, 1200cc V4 super-bikes.   cars participating in both the FIA World Endurance
            Commenting on the acquisition, Sudarshan Venu, Joint Man-  Championship (WEC) and the FIA  World Rally
          aging Director, TVS Motor Company said, “This is a momentous   Championship (WRC), and helping to develop the
          time for us at TVS Motor Company. Norton is an iconic Brit-  GR Supra GT4. TGR-E will also utilize the knowl-  The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
          ish brand celebrated across the world, and presents us with an   edge and expertise it has accumulated through its
          immense opportunity to scale globally. We will extend our full   motorsports activities over the years in the develop-
          support for Norton to regain its full glory in the international   ment of production cars, and so contributing to the
          motorcycle landscape.”                           creation of ever-better cars. Akio Toyoda, President
            Sudarshan Venu further added, “Norton will continue to re-  of Toyota said, “The absolute mission of participat-
          tain its distinctive identity with dedicated and specific business   ing in motorsports, which is a battle of works pro-
          plans.”                                          duced by manufacturers, is winning.”

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