Page 40 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 40


                          Adapting to the need of the hour

                        We are ready to diversify to sustain our growth and look for other avenues and
                     equipment demands, says Haren Sanghavi, Director, GMS Plastic Machinery Pvt. Ltd.

                                                    By Niranjan Mudholkar

                  Briefly tell us about the journey of
                  GMS Plastic Machinery since its
                  GMS started in the year 2000 as a
                  joint  venture with M/s. Gamma
                  Meccanica S.p.A., Italy. GMS man-
                  ufactures plastic extrusion machines
                  with core in waste recycling of plas-
                  tics. Initially, GMS was dependent
                  on Italy for designs and support but
                  as the team developed, we are today
                  completely independent and have
                  created various equipment in India
                  as well. Now, our hundred percent
                  equipment are produced in India.

                  How’s been the business for GMS   number  one  with  nearly  450+  ma-  and fabrication workshop at another
                  Plastic Machinery in the last one   chines already performing with our   location within Bhiwandi.
                  year?                         clients to their brim. Most clients
                  For the year 2019, we clocked 30   have given us repeat orders. We have   How comprehensive is your prod-
                  percent higher turnover than the   a 100 percent retaining ratio in the   uct portfolio?
                  previous year. In 2020, if Covid-19   market when it comes to customer   We have the technology to produce
                  would not have locked us out, we   satisfaction.            all types of extrusion equipment but
                  would have crossed our turnover by                          we have concentrated our skills to
                  20 percent higher than 2019. Cov-  Where is your production unit   the plastic waste recycling market.
                  id-19 will lead us to remain at same   located? What kind of manufactur-  We have created an expertise in the
                  level of 2019.                ing capabilities and capacities do   field of recycling and within India
                                                you have?                     we do not have any competition as
                  Where does GMS Plastic Machin-  Our production unit is located in   far as technology goes.
                  ery stand in terms of market share?  Bhiwandi, District Thane of Maha-
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                  In terms of market share, GMS is the   rashtra.  We also have our turning   On an average, how many ma-
                                                                              chines does GMS Plastic Machin-
                                        “WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY               ery install every year?
                                         TO PRODUCE ALL TYPES OF              Our target is to install at least 50+
                                        EXTRUSION EQUIPMENT BUT               machines a year but currently we
                                                                              have achieved more than 30+ ma-
                                         WE HAVE CONCENTRATED                 chines.
                                        OUR SKILLS TO THE PLASTIC
                                        WASTE RECYCLING MARKET.               Which are the key industry sectors
                                            WE HAVE CREATED AN                that you are catering to and which
                                         EXPERTISE IN THE FIELD OF            of these have been giving you good
                                          RECYCLING AND WITHIN                growth in the recent times?
                                        INDIA WE DO NOT HAVE ANY              Currently, GMS produces recycling
                                          COMPETITION AS FAR AS               machines of  all types including
                                            TECHNOLOGY GOES.”                 washing plants, extruders for corru-
                                                                              gated pipes and profiles.

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