Page 41 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 41
The concept of Industry 4.0 is
acquiring a lot of significance
across industry sectors. What is
GMS Plastic Machinery doing in
this context?
GMS has already installed one ma-
chine in Bangladesh which is Indus-
try 4.0 compliant. In fact, during
this Covid-19 outbreak, we could
test its skills at the maximum level
and are daily upgrading our pro- come to realise that the major con- a complete stand still. We are still
gram. We will be ready with another cern is not with plastics but with assessing the loss due to cancelled
equipment in-house to show to our the mode of disposal, segregation orders, awaiting payments, pending
clients in the next few working days. at source and littering. If the Gov- deliveries and the post-Covid-19 ef-
fect. We hope to revive by the year
“FOR THE YEAR 2019, WE CLOCKED 30 PERCENT 2021 from this loss.
YEAR. IN 2020, IF COVID-19 WOULD NOT HAVE Where do you see the organisation
in the next two years?
LOCKED US OUT, WE WOULD HAVE CROSSED OUR We at GMS expect at least 50 per-
TURNOVER BY 20 PERCENT HIGHER THAN 2019. cent growth once industry starts
COVID-19 WILL LEAD US TO REMAIN AT SAME its Capex demand. We are ready to
LEVEL OF 2019.” diversify to sustain our growth and
look for other avenues and equip-
ment demands. Covid-19 has taught
Environmental concerns due to ernment addresses these issues, then us many lessons and we are working
plastics waste is a major challenge they can achieve 90 percent of the towards solutions that Covid has left
for the industry today. What are plastic waste issues. Ten percent of us with including how to maintain
your views on the same, as machine the issue is a learning cycle, which social distancing and yet handle the
manufacturers are a key element in will bring immense improvements. installation or service. Accordingly,
this ecosystem? we have developed e-installations as
I am personally part of the AIPMA How has the Corona Virus out- well as e-service support for compa-
Environment Team, and as such am break impacted your business? nies that are remote and are solving
aware of the concerns. Having seen Corona Virus has affected us 100 their issues even when our team is
the scenario day by day, we have percent. We have been brought to not allowed to travel.
CHAMPIONS Portal launched to help MSMEs
Aimed at assisting Indian MSMEs march into big league as National and Global CHAMPIONS
n a major initiative Union Ministry of MSME has ing their grievances, encouraging, supporting, helping and
Ilaunched CHAMPIONS portal handholding. It is a real one-stop-shop solution of MSME
in, a Technology driven Control Room-Cum-Manage- Ministry. While taking over as Secretary MSME on April
ment Information System. The system utilising modern 30, 2020, AK Sharma had indicated that an ICT based The Economic Times POLYMERS | April-May 2020
ICT tools is aimed at assisting Indian MSMEs march into system would be set up to help the MSMEs in present
big league as National and Global CHAMPIONS. The difficult situation and also to handhold them to become
CHAMPIONS stands here for Creation and Harmoni- national and international champions. Accordingly, a
ous Application of Modern Processes for Increasing the comprehensive system known as CHAMPIONS was trial
Output and National Strength. Accordingly, the name of launched on May 9, 2020.
the system is CHAMPIONS. As the name suggests, the It is a technology packed control room-cum-manage-
portal is basically for making the smaller units big by solv- ment information system.