Page 42 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 42


                                    Building the ecosystem

                    Sulajja Firodia Motwani, Founder and CEO, Kinetic Green Energy and Power Solutions
                    Ltd. tells The ET Polymers that while Kinetic Green has the mindset of a new company,
                          it has the strength of being an established player with a very strong brand.

                                                    By Niranjan Mudholkar

                                                    Currently emobility is the buz-  to make the transition for the
                                                    zword. While the OEMs are   new disruption and the related
                                                    also getting onto this band-  business model, and new compa-
                                                    wagon, many non-automotive   nies become leaders. We can look
                                                    players are also jumping into   at the mobile phone’s transition
                                                    the fray? How is Kinetic Green   from feature phones to smart
                                                    differentiating itself in this   phones as an example.
                                                    crowd?                         So, I think we are sort of
                                                    When we came into this busi-  leading this curve of disruption.
                                                    ness in 2014, it was hardly a   For example, we have set up an
                                                    buzzword. So, we were amongst   electric vehicle company grounds
                                                    the few pioneering companies.   up. It is not part of any OEM
                                                    We have worked hard over the   and does not have any legacies
                                                    last five years in terms of setting   of legacies of existing machines,
                                                    up the business, setting up the   workers, cost structures, dealer
                                                    manufacturing base and creating   mindsets, and so on. That’s be-
                                                    a supply chain, setting up a gov-  cause we knew that we needed a
                                                    ernment recognised R&D centre   different kind of a mindset that
                                                    and developing products which   is different manner for this busi-
                                                    are advanced in terms of technol-  ness.
                                                    ogy but are yet affordable for the   So, Kinetic Green is a purely
                                                    common man.                 EV company. You can say that it
                      “WE SELECTED THIS                We have also played a role in   is an EV start-up but within an
                    SECTOR BECAUSE WHEN             policy formation if the country.   established business group (Ki-
                    WE WERE COMING OUT              I have been working very closely   netic Group). We are a start up in
                    OF THE TWO-WHEELER              with the government as opinion   a sense that we don’t have the leg-
                     JV, WE WERE LOOKING            makers.  We have been contrib-  acies and the baggage. We have
                    FOR NEW AREAS WHICH             uting substantially to the EV   the mindset of a new company.
                                                                                But at the same time, we have the
                                                    ecosystem that is evolving in the
                     WOULD BECOME THE               country.  While we have played   strength of being an established
           The Economic Times POLYMERS  |  April-May 2020
                   FUTURE OF AUTOMOTIVE             a pioneering role, others are still   player and we have a very strong
                         TECHNOLOGY.                getting off the ground. We have   brand. We have the experience of
                         AND ELECTRIC               already made a lot of progress in   scaling up an automotive busi-
                    TECHNOLOGY IS WHAT              this industry through our work.   ness.  Sometimes  start-ups  start
                      WE HAVE ZEROED IN             For example, we have sold thou-  off well, but they are unable to
                     ON AS THE FUTURE OF            sands of vehicles in the market.   scale up and sustain because it’s
                         AUTOMOTIVE.”                  We need to understand that   finally an automobile. Ultimate-
                                                    electric vehicles  technology is a   ly, people  are  using it  to com-
                                                    new technology. In fact, it is a   mute every day. They’re risking
                                                    disruptive technology. And when   their lives by entering the vehicle.
                                                    a disruptive technology comes   It has to meet the government
                                                    to the market, a lot of things   standards.  You have to provide
                                                    change. Business models change;   spare parts and service. Finally, it
                                                    and new players are born. Some-  is an automobile. You need to be
                                                    times existing players are not able   able to scale up. You need to be

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