Page 30 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 30
A fabulous journey
In the last 23 years, Rehau has gone from strength to strength in terms of growth and
expansion in India, says Ajay Khurana, Chairman, Rehau – South Asia
By Niranjan Mudholkar
Rehau entered India in 1997.
How’s been the journey for the
organization since then?
In the last 23 years, Rehau has gone
from strength to strength in terms of
growth and expansion in India. Our
journey has been fabulous as we have
been able to capture extensive market
share and our approach has changed
from B2B to B2B2C. From a small
office with only three employees, we
have now grown into a vast network
of 350+ offices and retail centres
spanning across the country.
How’s been the last year for Rehau
South Asia in terms of business?
What kind of numbers have you
clocked and were they in line with
your projected figures?
The last year has been very rewarding “I SEE UPVC WINDOWS SEGMENT GROWING
for Rehau South Asia and we have AT A COMMENDABLE GROWTH RATE IN
successfully achieved double digit INDIA. ALTOGETHER UPVC WINDOWS AND
What have been the key challenges
and how have you faced them? GROWING STUPENDOUSLY AT A CAGR OF 7.84
Demonetisation, GST implementa- PERCENT DURING 2019-2025.”
tion and liquidity crisis had a serious
impact on Indian economy, however pioneered uPVC windows concepts dously at a CAGR of 7.84 percent
The Economic Times POLYMERS | April-May 2020
we successfully navigated through all and it remains continuously engaged during 2019-2025.
these challenges since Rehau is a com- in R&D activities to develop world
pletely process driven organisation. class range of smarter uPVC win- You are also the founder member
dows supported by state-of-the-art of UWDMA (uPVC Windows
uPVC windows is the key business hardware and components for its & Doors Manufacturers Asso-
focus for Rehau. How big is this valued customers. ciation). Briefly tell us about the
market in India and where does work of the association and its
Rehau stand in terms of market Based on your understanding of plans for 2020-21.
share and position? the market, do you see the uPVC UWDMA (uPVC Windows &
A global leader in polymers, Rehau windows segment growing? Doors Manufacturers Association)
provides a gamut of solutions world- Yes, I see uPVC windows segment is formed to promote the benefits of
wide as well as in Indian market. growing at a commendable growth uPVC windows and doors to the In-
Especially, furniture and windows rate in India. Altogether uPVC win- dian construction industry and gen-
comprise our key verticals in India dows and door segment in India is eral public at large. UWDMA con-
and in both these segments we en- expected to reach US$1,810 million tinuously strives to provide all the
joy dominant position. Rehau has by the end of 2025, growing stupen- possible solutions to its valued mem-