Page 33 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 33
Hot and happening!
Vishal Agarwal, President, Yudo Hot Runner India Pvt. Ltd, explains the significance
of hot runner systems in the industries that use plastics.
By Niranjan Mudholkar
Yudo Hot Runner India Private
Limited specialises in hot runner “WE REROUTED ALL OUR
systems. What exactly is a hot PROJECTS FROM CHINA
runner system, and which are TO OUR KOREAN FACTORY
the industry sectors that it helps ALTHOUGH THEY ARE
directly in the plastics segment? ALMOST 20 PERCENT
Our systems are used in making the TO 25 PERCENT MORE
mold for any plastic part. We are a EXPENSIVE. HOWEVER,
subsidiary of South Korea based
MNC and are world leader in hot AS A PART OF OUR
runner systems, we as Yudo produce COMMITMENT AND FOR
more than three times systems every THE FAITH WHICH CUSTOMERS HAVE ALWAYS
year compared to the second largest SHOWN IN US, WE DID NOT PASS ON THAT
brand in the world. The plastic in- EXTRA COST TO THE CUSTOMERS.”
jection molding segment, where we
work, is huge. It caters to the auto- ity is in China. Actually, during the years back and have received fantas-
motive segment where in majority of Chinese New Year festival itself, we tic response where we are able to re-
plastic parts are very big and heavy in understood that this seems to be duce our delivery time from 21 days
size like bumpers, instrument panels, much bigger problem. As a precau- to just 10 days. Now, we are plan-
door panels and centre consoles. At tion, we rerouted all our projects to ning to increase our manufacturing
the same time, it caters to the pack- our Korean factory although they capabilities and our next target is to
aging segment, which is completely are almost 20 percent to 25 percent bring down the delivery time for big
different and where the weight of more expensive. However, as a part systems from one month to 18 days
the caps and closures are hardly one of our commitment and for the faith within this year (2020) itself.
gram or so. Both of these segments which customers have always shown
have completely different require- in us, we did not pass on that extra The plastic tooling industry is the
ments of the respective products and cost to the customers. Deliveries heart and soul of the sectors that
hot runners as well. But we are suc- have already started from Korea, and use dies and moulds. How is Yudo
cessfully addressing them. The same its almost 90 percent on track now. enabling the evolution of the tool-
goes for the white goods sector and ing industry in India?
the electrical sector. Of course, our Over the last few years, Yudo has First of all, nowadays more than 90
major chunk of business comes from benefitted from the Indian growth percent plastic parts requirements
the automotive and the packaging story and has also contributed cannot be met without hot runners.
segments in India. to the ‘Make in India’ campaign. I am referring to the parts that need
How are you leveraging on the surface finish without any defects or
Yudo has a huge factory in China progress so far to serve your cus- part warpage. Also, there are so many
and we all know about the havoc tomers better in the time to come? new materials now especially in en-
that coronavirus has created in We are present in Indian market gineering plastics. Thanks to these
that country. How is Yudo help- from the last 20 years. We started at new materials, many metal parts are The Economic Times POLYMERS | April-May 2020
ing its customers affected by this a time when the usage of hot runner now getting converted into plastics
outbreak? systems in the plastic industry in In- parts, especially in the automotive
Yudo is present in more than 40 dia was not even one or two percent. sector. Processing these materials is
countries. Although we have manu- But today, India has become one of not possible with the conventional
facturing operations in eight coun- the most promising markets in the way of tooling. At the same time, we
tries with more than 24 plants, fifty world. We have started manufactur- do a lot of flow analysis before the
percent of our manufacturing capac- ing small systems in India almost two tooling is made where in it is possi-