Page 152 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 152

- Yoga poses centring around strengthening the reproductive core

               (opening the muscles around hips and pelvis)

               - Yoga Nidra (awareness sleep) inducing mental peace and strength

               - Group activities, subliminally inducing couple chemistry & couple


               - Documentation of family planning goals

               - Goal oriented guided imagery, visualization, neuropathway creation &


               - Meditation: Calming the mind, soothing the senses, connecting to the

               soul through mapping tools. - Act on the subtle energy meridians within

               the subtle body: Sex Plexus or Swadhisthan

               Chakra is the centre of sexual energy. Opening it becomes a foremost

               necessity for curing sexual aberrations, ailments and ensuring optimum

               reproductive health. The Swadhisthan Meditation, part of Fertility-Soul

               Mapping module, is full of energy intensive processes imparting a plethora

               of overall and sexual wellness benefits, combining alongside, useful

               affirmations to address the emotional, mental & astral aspect of fertility.

               I would love to introduce this game-changing holistic support system to

               the existing array of medical treatments available to infertile couples.

                SAY IVF BEFORE YOU GO FOR IVF!

               At Theo, IVF stands for I’M VERY FIT.
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