Page 150 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 150
Human being is not an island. She is always surrounded by something or
the other which influences her life, her decisions and her attitudes.
Likewise, no life process for a human being is an isolated one. There is
always a complex interplay of various tangible and intangible factors
governing a life process. Fertility and conception is no exception to this
rule. There is no doubt that conventional infertility treatment has been a
lifeline to those who are not so fortunate to have the natural means to
conceive. However, the efficacy of the treatment process, as also the
success rate of prospective mothers can be enhanced manifold if a holistic
approach is applied on the mothers-to- be, if a modality also factors-in
emotions, feelings, likes, dislikes, family ties, gut feelings, inner voice etc.
Theo’s powerful combine of Fertility Yoga and Soul Mapping is the
perfect complement to the standard IVF and other contemporary
infertility treatment regimens. We do not call our offering as an alternative
therapy or allied therapeutic. We pitch it as a convergent therapy which
seeks to retrofit the ancient wisdom with the modern medical know-how.