Page 145 - Sex Manual Ebook
P. 145
Mistake No. 5: Cracking the Ovulation Mystery
A sizeable portion of this manual has been devoted to ovulation, finding
the right ‘window’ and striking the gong when the iron is hot. There is a
reason why we did so. Many women follow the textbook rule, believing
they ovulate 14 days after the first day of their period, but cycle lengths
vary, and ovulation doesn't always occur at the same time each month, Dr.
Seibel says. Many women also think they can pinpoint ovulation because
of symptoms. "If you're in tune with your body, you may notice that you
have an increased clear egg-white-like vaginal discharge a few days before
ovulation," says Yvonne Bohn, M.D., an ob-gyn and co-author of The
Mommy Docs Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy and Birth. But women do
tend to oversee this and some, erroneously think their normal discharge is
a sign of ovulation. Instead of guessing (possibly wrong), Dr. Seibel says
that using an ovulation predictor kit can give a more accurate answer. (a
detailed discussion on Ovulation Kits has already been made in the
previous chapter).