Page 63 - Router Boss Manual
P. 63

Lay out the pin/socket centers
             Just like for the through dovetail drawers, we’ll put
        a partial pin on each edge, which means the sides will
        have a partial socket on each edge. We’re using a 5/16”
        - diameter dovetail bit for our drawer and we’ll make
        the outer half-pin centers a full 1/4” to leave plenty of
        wood on the front piece when we square things up with
        the chisel. As we did for through dovetails, we create a
        layout pattern on one of the side pieces, in this case on
        the “A” end. The marks for the half-pins on each edge
        are placed 1/4” from the edge. We are also placing a pin
        in the center and two others about 1” on either side of
        the center pin. Any pattern that looks good is accept-
        able.                                                  Lay out a socket pattern on the end of one side piece
                                                               with each mark representing the center line of the
                                                               dovetail bit.

             Once you have the socket/pin centerlines marked,
        stack the side pieces together and clamp them in the
        Router Boss with the “A” and “C” ends together and
        the caret marks pointing towards the sliding bar. Posi-
        tion a centering bit or the laser crosshairs at each layout
        mark and write down the scale or DRO reading.

             Cut the sockets as previously shown in the through
        dovetail section (pages 25-26). Cartwheel the side piec-
        es so the same face is against the sliding bar. Because
        we  are  using  1/2”  thick  stock  for  the  back  and  3/4”
        thick stock for the front, we set the bit depth to match
        the back piece, which will still leave us a 1/4” on the      Cartwheel boards
        front to “hide” the side-piece tails. Depending on the          end for end
        thickness of your stock, you may need to cut the socket
        boards independently (“A” and “B” ends according to
        your front thickness and “C” and “D” ends according to                                Keep same face
        the back thickness).                                                                 against sliding bar

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