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• Increase partnership with agencies for research and extension
• Coordinate with other agencies in the province for research collaboration and fund-sharing
• Include or consider the various one-town-one-product (OTOP) of the Local government units
• Include ‘Katarungang Pambarangay' in extension programs and make barangay Nayon as Model
Barangay Justice System
• Partner with the LGUs to address poverty; Hire experts on local governance to teach in graduate
• Include seedling production, luyang dilaw as one of the IGPs
• Consult with business experts for IGP concerns
• Recruit the best and the brightest and focus on how to entice them
Perception of Stakeholders on the Employability of Graduates
The need for strong ties between the university and the business or industry stakeholders is
seen as one of the important strategies in the academe nowadays as emphasized by the information
presented from the initial results of the on-going project “Integrating Talent Development into
Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education' or INNOTAL by Dr. Serafin L. Ngohayon particularly on the
perception of stakeholders on the employability of graduates. The stakeholders involved in the
data-gathering were administrators, faculty, and students.
S TR E N G TH S , W E A K N E S S E S , O P P O R T U N IT IE S ,T H R E A T S
With the foregoing information, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are identified:
1. Higher Education Services
S trengths 1. Responsive programs as shown by the increasing enrolment and
s graduates; top performing school in Criminology
2. Quality programs as shown by their accreditation by both AACCUP and
L.............. ............... ........
W eaknesses 1. Students’ low performance in licensure examination
2. Graduates’low employability
3. No COE/COD programs
Opportunities 1. Government's policies on reduction of poverty, inclusive growth, access
by deserving but poor students to quality education
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T hreats t. Indigenous environment
2. Internationalization and globalization trends in higher education