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             MFO 3—Extension Services
                    All  the  key  performance  indicators  for  Extension  Services  were  attained  with  satisfactory
             accomplishment rating as planned. The University was able to accomplish its targets even with meager
             fund for extension activities due to the active linkages it maintains with other agencies and institutions.
             As of the   period, the University has 70 active linkages. It had catered to 7,845  (weighted) number of
             persons for  trainings and 984 persons provided with technical advice for the year 2017.

             MFO 4—Advanced Education Services
                    Overall, the targets for MFO 4- Advanced Education Services were satisfactorily surpassed as to
             its key performance indicators on the number of graduates and accredited graduate programs having
             100% (9 out of 9) “accreditable" programs accredited. The University’s graduate programs are currently
             undergoing CHED evaluation for the award of COPC. It has also successfully implemented the Blended
             Learning Scheme in facilitating the teaching-learning process in graduate education in partnership with
             the University of the   Philippines - Open University (UP-OU) both in the campus-based and distance/
            transnational education system of program delivery.

                   The  following  are  facts  about  the  University  in  term s  of  its  support  to  operations  (STO)  and
             general  administration and support services (GASS) key performance indicators:

             Support to Operations (STO)

             •  Students’ services were rated by majority of students as good and higher.
            •  The University complied with the requirements for the Quality Management System in preparation
                for ISO certification, though as of September 2018, there is no ISO certification yet on at least one of
                the core  processes;
            •  The profile of faculty members  (Figure 5; Table  4), and the number of employees  on  scholarship/
                study support and trainings and seminars show the University's strong commitment for the welfare
                and       development of its employees. An average of 51% of faculty members are being sent or
                supported for seminars, trainings and conferences; •

                             Figure 5 - Faculty Profile by Educational Attainment (in milestone years)

            •  Students were provided with avenues and opportunities for development through OJT in industries
                and organizations, and local/regional/national/international competitions, programs and activities;
            •  Scholarships  and  financial  grants  were  provided  to  students  to  increase  the  access  of  poor/
                underprivileged but deserving students to quality tertiary education;
            •   Curricular review/formulation were conducted as well as academic-policies formulated/enhanced
                to  improve the curricular offerings and academic services of the University;
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