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              Strategic Plan 2019-2026 Framework
                     Figure 1shows the framework of this Strategic Plan 2019 to 2026. It reflects the interplay of all the

              elements  of  the  Plan  (vision,  mission,  core  values,  goals  and  objectives,  and  program s/projects/

                                      Figure 1—The IFSU 8 Year Strategic Plan 2019-2026 Framework

              Vision                         A globally recognized University upholding excellence
              2026                    P                 amidst rich cultural heritage

                               ACADEMIC           STRONG RESE              SUSTAINABLE          EXCELLENT PUBUC
                              EXCELLENCE             LEADERSHIP            EXTENSIO NS          SERVICE AND GOOD
              Objectives    To assure quality of programs  fiCULTURE        COMMUNITY             GOVERNANCE
                            To  ensure  effective  student   To establish a strong brand and      To   ensure   efficient,
                            lifecycle   management   and   strengthen  image  building  of   ENGAGEMENT  transparent and accountable
                            career development      IFSU as a research leader  To  package  and  transfer   delivery  of  administrative
                            To  provide  unique  and  lifelong  To intensify conduct of research   knowledge and technologies   services
                            learning experience in the entire  and  dissemination  of  RD  relevant to the needs of the   To  forge  strong  network
                            studentufecycle                               clientele               system and resource sharing
                            To integrate internationalization  To intensify conservation of the   To  create  a  widely  shared   To strengthen the universitys
                            perspective  towards  global  rich cultural heritage  organizational  culture  that   local   and   international
                            connectedness                                 encourages,  promotes,  and   visibility
                            To  strengthen  student  welfare              community engagements  To  enhance  efficiency  in
                            services  for  a  successful                                          resource  generation  and
                            academic formation of students                To   establish/Strengthen/   mobilization
                                                                          Sustain  linkages with LGUs,
                            To   integrate   Indigenous                   industries.   and   other   To upgrade competencies of
                            Knowledge,   System   and                     organizations/stakeholders   human resources
                            Practices (IKSP) in the academic              for resource sharing, exten­
                            programs   to   intensify                     sion  program,  and  service   To  technologize  frontline
                            conservation of the rich cultural             complementation         services  and  other services
                            heritage                                                              of the University
                                                                                                 To  ensure  a  dean,  green,
                                                                                                  safe,  and  GAD-responsive
                                                                                                  University environment
             Outcomes     Inclusive growth and access to   Promotion of economic produc­  Increased community   To intensify conservation  of
                           quality tertiary education  tivity and innovation  engagement          the  rich  cultural  heritage
                                                                                                  integrating  culture  in  the
                                                                                                  administrative  and  support

             P n o y ra  Higher Education   Advanced       Research    Technical Advisory &Extension   services
                           Program         Progi           Program            Program
                                                     Operations                               General Administration and
                                                                                                 Support Services
                                                 Support to Operations
             Values       Excellence    Integrity     Faith         S ervice      C reativity   C ultural Sensitivity
                                       Produce employable graduates who are morally upright, socially and culturally
             Mission         responsible professionals through quality, relevant, and innovative instruction, research, extension, and
                                                             resource generation
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