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This 8 - year Strategic Plan of the Ifugao State University contains all the amalgamated
                     plans  for  all  the  University’s  thrusts  in  Instruction,  Research.  Extension  and  Resource
                     Generation. Guided by IFSU’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives, this Strategic Plan shall be
                     the basis for all strategies that set the tone of IFSU’s development direction in the next eight (8)
                     years. It also takes into account the creation of additional offices and service departments which
                     are  deemed  very  important  in  intensifying  our quest  for  excellence  as  we  continue  working
                     together to  fulfill  our  University’s  mandate.  This  Strategic  Plan  can  be  said  to  be  rightfully
                     claimed by its planners who came from various offices and service departments and laboriously
                     worked so that this end might be achieved. Given the funding and legislative requirements, it can
                     be translated into a  package of Programs, Projects and  Activities (PPAs)  intended to facilitate
                     development for all IFSU’s stakeholders.

                           The planning process appeared to be as tedious as it was expected to be. The Planning
                    Team led by the Department of Planning and Information Management was first organized and
                     eventually  mobilized.  Its  roles  were  defined  as  to  how the  members  get themselves  into  the
                    various tasks required of the  activity itself. One characteristic that  distinguishes this planning
                     activity away from the others is that this was  essentially participatory. The term  signifies the
                     involvement and active engagement of individuals representing various sectors in the academe,
                    research  and  development  and  resource  generation  and  the  rest  of the  stakeholders  who
                    certainly have their own stakes to be upheld in this  all-important convergence of brilliant and
                    progressive ideas.  Indeed, the consultations proved to be a utilitarian approach since it made
                    everyone speak out his/her own observations about how the University is being governed.

                           The  University’s Vision, “A globally  recognized  university  upholding  excellence  amidst
                    rich  cultural heritage by 2026’ fittingly describes its significant role in the total development not
                    only of the Province of Ifugao or the Cordillera Region but of the entire country as well. Built on a
                    dynamic     leadership coupled with a sense of pride and integrity in governance, the University
                    will continue doing all its tasks as it assum es its roles as the only university in the province. The
                    risks and challenges are   expected, but IFSU shall emerge victorious amidst all these.

                           With  the  rising  new  trends  in  strategic  planning,  optimism  is  on  the  hands  of  IFSU's
                    leaders, administrators, faculty, non-teaching personnel, students and other stakeholders who
                    are  constantly responsive to challenges.
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