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•fable of Contents

                                  8-YEA R  STRATEGIC PLAN  2 0 1 9 — 2 0 2 6
                    Message...........................................................................................................  ...4

                    Foreword..........................................................................................................  ...5
                    Mandate............................................................................................................  ...6
                    Introduction.....................................................................................................  ...7
                       Matrix of Analysis of the Strategic Planning
                       The IFSU 8-Year Strategic Plan 2019-2026 Framework
                    Our Current Situation:  W h e re  a r e  w e  n o w ? ____________________ ____  ...9
                       Strategic Review
                       Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, andThreats

                    Our Direction:  W h e re  d o  w e  w a n t to  g o ? --------------------------- -------------------  ....20
                       Vision 2026
                       Mission Statement
                       Core Values
                    Our Strategy: H o w  do w e  g e t  t h e r e ? ................................................................  .22
                       SWOT Analysis by program
                       Development of the Goals and Objectives
                       University Goals and Objectives
                           Goal 1 - Academic Excellence

                           Goal 2 - Strong Research Leadership and Culture
                           Goal 3 - Sustainable Extension and Community Engagement
                           Goal 4 - Excellent Public Service and Good Governance
                    Our Resources:  W h a t d o  w e  n e e d  to  g e t  th e r e ? ...........................................  .41
                    •   Budget Plan
                    •   Public Investment Plan
                    •   Organizational Structure
                    Our Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: A r e  w e  o n  tra c k ? ............................  .45
                    •   Plan Implementation

                    •   M &EPlan

     W              A nnexes.-.______________________________ _____ ___ ......___ ________ _____ ....... .46

                    ‘A' - Organizational Structure
                    “ET - Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Matrix
                    “C" - Excerpts from the minutes of meetings of the 35th Regular Meeting of the BOR
                    “D" - Summary of Actions to Referendum
                    “E" - Referendum No. 5, s. 2019
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