Page 19 - Area X - G
P. 19
2. Research Services
Strengths 1. Several research outputs patented/copyrighted
2. Presentation of research outputs in various fora
Weaknesses 1. Few RD outputs commercialized/utilized by industries and/or other beneficiaries
2. Publication of researches in CHED-recognized journals
Opportunities 1. Government's policies on improvement of higher education research to promote
economic productivity and innovation
2. Government's priorities on agriculture and industry
3. Available partners for research and extension
A. One-town-one-product of LGUs
Threats 1. Indigenous environment
2. Internationalization and globalization trends in higher education
3. Government laws and priorities, i.e. on climate change and risk reduction
management, etc.
3. Extension Services
Strengths 1. Active link with other partners
2. Increasing beneficiaries of extension and training services
Weaknesses 1. Few faculty and students involve in extension activities
2. Visibility of the University in the communities
3. Volunteerism among faculty and students
Opportunities 1. Government’s policies on the increase of community engagement
2. Available partners for research and extension
3. One-town-one-product of LGUs
4. Partnership with LGUs to address poverty
Threats 1. Indigenous environment
2. Internationalization and globalization trends in higher education
3. Government laws and priorities, i.e. on climate change and risk reduction
management, etc.
A. Advanced Education Services
Strengths 1. Quality programs as evidenced by the accreditation of programs by CHED and AACCUP
2. Open distance and transnational education
Weaknesses 1. Few RD outputs commercialized/utilized by industries and/or other beneficiaries
2. Publication of researches in CHED-recognized journals
Opportunities 1. Government's policies on improvement of higher education research to promote
economic productivity and innovation
2. Tie-up with UP-Open University
Threats 1. Indigenous environment
2. Internationalization and globalization trends in higher education