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N o te :  C S C   M e m o ra n d u m   C irc u la r No.  6,  s.  2 0 1 2 ,  p.  7  (G u id e lin e s  on  the  E sta b lis h m e n t o f A g e n c y  S P M S ) p ro vid es that,  “U n less th e   w ork  o u tp ut o f a p articu lar d u ty has  b e e n   assig n ed  p re -s e t
           s ta n d a rd s  b y  m a n a g e m e n t,  its  stan d ard s  shall be  a g re e d   upon  b y  the  supervisors  a n d  th e  ra te e s ”.  Thus,  p e rfo rm a n c e   stan d ard s  fo r core  o r su pp o rt functions p e rfo rm e d  b y  em p lo yees  th at are
           n o t fo u n d  in  this  T able  o f R e fe re n c e   sh all be a g re e d  upon  b y th e su pervisor a n d  the  e m p l o y e e . _______________________ ________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                      Means of
                                                                                                                                   Responsible       Verification
                KRA              Objectives          Program             Projects/Activities           Performance Indicator
                                                                                                                                  Delivery Unit      (Supporting
                                                                                                        b.  COPC                                  College
           2.  Quality      To ensure effective     Higher       ■  Establishment of mentoring        No.  of activities to       DAA             Summary Report
               Graduates    student lifecycle       Education       systems to understand and learn   establish feedback          DSSD            certified true and
                            management and          Program         about the realities of workplace   mechanisms and             College         correct by the
                            career development                      and the intended profession       employability audit                         HDU
                                                    Advanced     ■  Strengthening of extra-curricular
                                                    Education       involvement and student           % of graduates (2 years     College         Summary Report
                                                    Program         immersion activities by           prior) that are employed    DAA             certified true and
                                                                    combining experiential learning,                                              correct by the
                                                                    course work and community-                                                    HDU
                                                                    based service learning
                                                                 ■  Establishment of program
                                                                    activities that support
                                                                    development of graduate
                                                                 *  Establishment of feedback
                                                                    mechanism systems and
                                                                    employability audit to evaluate
                                                                    the effectiveness of the
                                                                    curriculum,  course contents and
                                                                 *  Strengthen academe-industry
                                                                 ■  Establishment of ideation
         3.  Quality       To provide unique and    Higher      ■  Institutionalization of internal   No. of IMs authored by      College         Summary Report
             Faculty and   lifelong learning        Education      quality assurance systems in      faculty member                               certified true and
             Students      experience in the       Program         instruction                                                                    correct by the
                                                                                                                                                  College Dean

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