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        N ote:  C SC  M em orandum  C ircula r No.  6,  s.  2012,  p.  7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A g e n cy S PM S) provides that,  “Unless the  work output o f a particular
        d uty has been assigned p re -set standards by m anagem ent,  its standards shall be agreed upon b y the supervisors and the ra tee s”.  Thus,  perform ance standards
        fo r core o r support functions p erform ed  by em ployees that are not found in this  Table o f R eference shall be aqreed upon bv the supervisor and the em plovee.
                                                                                                                                Responsible         Means of
               KRA             Program        Projects/Activities          Performance Indicator              Information/      Delivery Unit     Verification
                                                                                                            Minimum Target
                                                planning,             c.  APP-CSE (for the subsequent
                                                monitoring,  and         year)
                                                evaluation         Timeliness of submission of unit APP to   On deadline set   All units (DUs,   Summary
                                                systems            the BAC Office                          by BAC              and SUs)         Report  certified
                                             ■  On-going land                                                                                   true  and  correct
                                                disputes involving                                                                              by the HDU
                                                IFSU pending in
                                                court and other    % of the value of goods and services    On deadline set     BAC              Summary
                                                government         subjected to early procurement through   by IATF                             Report  certified
                                                agencies to be     updating of PhilGEPS posting                                                 true  and  correct
                                                settled,  secured                                                                               by the HDU
                                                and protected.
                                             ■  Disseminate        Timeliness of submission of the current   On deadline set   BAC              Summary
                                                information in     year’s APCPI with complete forms        by IATF                              Report  certified
                                                digital and                                                                                     true  and  correct
                                                conventional                                                                                    by the HDU
                                             ■  Create             Client satisfaction rating via the client   Very Satisfactory  All Offices   Summary
                                                communication      feedback form evaluation form                                                Report  certified
                                                line and standard                                                                               true  and  correct
                                                operating                                                                                       by the HDU
                                                comprehensive      Timeliness of acting or signing on      Within 8 working    All offices      Summary
                                                campus security    communications, requests,  letters and   hours                               Report  certified
                                                plan anticipating   other correspondences                                                       true  and  correct
                                                security and
                                                                                                                                                by the HDU
                                                disaster concerns

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