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        N ote:  CSC M em orandum  C ircular No.  6,  s.  2012,  p.  7 (G uidelines on the E stablishm ent o f A ge n cy SPM S) provides that,  “Unless the work output o f a p articular
        d u ty has been assigned pre-set standards b y m anagem ent,  its standards shall be agreed upon b y the supervisors and the ra tee s”.  Thus,  perform ance standards
        fo r core o r support functions perform ed by em ployees that are not found in this  Table o f R eference shall be aqreed upon bv the supervisor and the em ployee.
                                                                                                                               Responsible         Means of
              KRA             Program        Projects/Activities          Performance Indicator              Information/      Delivery Unit      Verification
                                                                                                           Minimum Target
                                            •  Create a legal     Timeliness of release of signed          Within 2 hours     OP                Summary
                                               affairs unit in the   Memo/Orders and letters signed/acted   from                                Report  certified
                                               department         upon  by the President to the Records    signing/action by                    true  and  correct
                                            *  Digitized records  Office                                   the President                        by the H  DU
                                               management         No. of regular schedules of ADCO,        4 ADCO             OP-EA             Summary
                                               system and         ACADCO, BOR meetings facilitated         2 ACADCO                             Report  certified
                                               institutionalized                                           4 BOR                                true  and  correct
                                               Information                                                                                      by the HU
                                            ■  Revitalized        Timeliness of submission of Agenda       5 days before      OP,  OUBS         Summary
                                               procurement,       Folders to the BOR                       date of BOR                          Report  certified
                                               supply,  medical                                            meeting                              true  and  correct
                                               and dental                                                                                       by the HU
                                               services, legal
                                               and security       Timeliness of submission of update                          CODETE            Summary
                                               services           report related to operations in DE/TNE                                        Report  certified
                                            ■  Quality records    to ensure University presence in local                                        true  and  correct
                                               Management         centers                                                                       by the HU
                                            *  Supply
                                            ■  Procurement
                                               Management         Timeliness of release of draft of the CCE  3months upon                       Summary
                                            ■  Quality Health     and QCE documents to SUC                 receipt of docs                      Report  certified
                                               Services                                                    from SUC                             true  and  correct
                                                                                                                                                by the HU

                                                                  Timeliness of rectification after release   Two month after                   Summary
                                                                  of final printout                        release of draft                     Report  certified

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