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             Advanced Education Program

                                                    Opportunities                       Threats
                                           1.  Government’s  policies  on  1.  Indigenous  environment  (i.e.
             SWOT Analysis:                    improvement     of   higher     cost, resources)
             Advanced Education Program        education    research    to  2.  Internationalization     and
                                               promote           economic      globalization  trends  in  higher
                                               productivity and innovation     education (i.e. cost, resources)
                                           2.  Tie-up    with    UP-Open
                                               University  (UPOU)  for  DE

                       Strengths            (H o w  s tre n g th s   can  be  u se d  to  (H o w   s tre n g th s   can  be  u se d   to
             1.  Quality   programs     as  e x p lo it o p p o rtu n itie s? )  w a rd  o ff th re a ts? )
                evidenced      by      the
                accreditation    of     all  •  Strategies   to   intensify  •  Integrate         indigenous
                accreditable  programs  by     research  activities  in  all the   knowledge,   system s   and
                AACCUP;                        curricular programs, both in    practices   (IKSP)   in   the
             2.  Operational  open  distance   the   local   and    ODETE      curricula   and     academic
                and          transnational     programs                        activities    of     graduate
                education                  •  Explore  how  tie-up  with       programs, local and ODETE.
                                               UPOU helps in improving the  •  Invest         in         the
                                               operation  of  the  ODETE       internationalization   of   the
                                               programs.                       programs

                     Weaknesses             (H ow  o p p o rtu n itie s  can be  u se d   (H o w    th e    U n iv e rs ity    c o u ld
             1.  Few      RD       outputs  to  m itig a te  w eaknesses?)  m in im ize   w eaknesses  a n d   a vo id
                commercialized/utilized  by  •  Review,  update  and  monitor  th re a ts? )
                industries  and/or  other      implementation  of  policies  •    More   activities  to   entice/
                beneficiaries                  related     to    intensive     motivate faculty to do research
             2.  Publication  of  researches   improvement  of research  in    work  (including  publication,
                in       CHED-recognized       HE  to  promote  economic       commercialization, etc.)
                journals                       productivity and innovation  •  Close  tie-up  with  the  PLGU,
                                                                               LGUs  and  other  related  NGAs
                                                                               for  resource-sharing  to  meet
                                                                               demands      of    conserving
                                                                               cultural  heritage;  tie-up  with
                                                                               international    universities/
                                                                               organizations     to     meet
                                                                               demands  for  internationaliza­
                                                                               tion and globalization
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