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University Goals and Outcomes
Considering the current condition of the University, these goats, which are anchored on the
programs (thrusts) of the University, were chosen to realize the vision:
1. Academic excellence . As a higher education institution mandated to provide advanced
instruction and training in specific fields, the University shall endeavor to attain the outcome:
Inclusive Growth and Access to Quality Tertiary Education (Organizational Outcome 1 per
PREXC) through its programs: Higher Education Program and Advanced Education Program. It
also includes projects and activities for its Support to Operations (STO).
2. Strong research leadership and culture. The University shall continue to improve its research
services and attain the outcomes: Promotion of Economic Productivity and Innovation
(Organizational Outcome 2 per PREXC) through the programs: Advanced Education Program,
and Research Program.
3. Sustainable extension and community engagement, improving extension services focuses on
making extension services truly sustainable and felt by the communities. Through the
University’s Extension Program, it shall endeavor to attain the outcome—Increased Community
Engagement (Organizational Outcome 3 per PREXC).
4. Excellent public service and good governance. To support the successful delivery of higher
education program, advanced education program, research program, and extension program of
the University, its administrative and support services must be continuously improved and
ensure efficiency, transparency and accountability.
In the succeeding pages, the objectives were laid-out with the specific programs and