Page 429 - Area X - G
P. 429

c  «                                                      m

 1  -  with 4 or more   1 -  3 or more days after
 errors          deadline

 SPF  Prepare ADA  5 -  complete   5- no error   5- immediately Upon receipt   Finance department/
 1 -  Incomplete  4- with 1  error   of LDDAP
 3 -  with 2 errors   4 - within 5-10 minutes
 2-with 3 errors   3 - within 1 1 -1 5  minutes
 1  -  with 4 or more   2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
 errors          1 -  after 20 minutes
 SPF  Prepare Bank   5 -  complete   5- no error   5 -  3 or more days before   Finance department/
 Reconciliation Statement  1 -  Incomplete  4- with 1  error   deadline
 (STF, GF Special and   3 -  with 2 errors   4 -  1  to 2 days before deadline
 Regular) for the months  2-with 3 errors   3 -  on set deadline
 1  -  with 4 or more   2 -  1  to days after deadline
 errors          1 -  3 or more days after
                 Finance department/

 Preparation o f:
 Total assessment per   SPF  Prepare the  5 -  complete   5- no error   Finance department/
 year  form/document/report on  1 -  Incomplete  4- with 1  error
 due date  3 -  with 2 errors
 2-wlth 3 errors
 1 -  with 4 or more
 -   Subsidiary ledger of   SPF  Prepare the  5 -  complete   5- no error   Finance department/
 CHED, TEAP, TESAP   form/document/report on   1  -  incomplete  4- with 1  error
 and other scholarships  due date  3 -  with 2 errors
 2-with 3 errors
 1  -  with 4 or more

 -   Safe loan receivable  SPF  Prepare the  5 -  complete   5- no error   Finance department/
 form/document/report on   1 -  Incomplete  4- with 1  error
 due date  3 -  with 2 errors
 2-wlth 3 errors
 1  -  with 4 or more

 Maintain and update   SPF  Contractor's record   5 -  complete   5- no error   Finance department/
 contractor's folders/subsidiary   updated  1 -  Incomplete  4- with 1  error
 ledgers  3 -  with 2 errors
 2-with 3 errors

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