Page 424 - Area X - G
P. 424
3 - within 11 - 15 minutes
2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
1 - after 20 minutes
V o u c h e rs
SPF Sign cash availability on 5 - immediately upon receipt Finance department/
voucher (Boxb) of DVs/Ors/SDs/payroll
4 - within 3 to 5 minutes
3 - within 6-10 minutes
2 -within 11-15 minutes
1 - after 15 minutes
Prepare sign, and SPF Prepare voucher 5 -- complete 5- no error 5 - immediately upon receipt Finance department/
number vouchers 1 - incomplete 4- with 1 error of complete SDS
3 - with 2 errors 4 - within 3 to 5 minutes
2-with 3 errors 3 - within 6-10 minutes
1 - with 4 or more 2 -within 11-15 minutes
errors 1 - after 15 minutes
SPF Sign cash availability 5 - immediately upon receipt Finance department/
voucher (Box b) of DVs/Ors/SDs/payroll
4 - within 3 to 5 minutes
3 - within 6-10 minutes
2 -within 11-15 minutes
1 - after 15 minutes
SPF Prepare monthly 5 - complete 5- no error Finance department/
vouchers 1 - incomplete 4- with 1 error
3 - with 2 errors
2-with 3 errors
1 - with 4 or more
SPF Prepare STF Journal 5- no error 5 - Immediately upon receipt Finance department/
Entry Vouchers (in DVs) 4- with 1 error 4 - within 3 to 5 minutes
3 - with 2 errors 3 - within 6-10 minutes
2-wlth 3 errors 2 -within 11-15 minutes
1 - with 4 or more 1 - after 15 minutes
SPF Voucher numbering 5- no error 5 - immediately upon receipt Finance department/
4- with 1 error 4 - within 3 to 5 minutes
3 - with 2 errors 3 - within 6-10 minutes
2-with 3 errors 2 - within 11-15 minutes
1 - with 4 or more 1 - after 15 minutes
5 8