Page 423 - Area X - G
P. 423
1-lapsed application
CF/SF Create inventory of all 5-90 to 100% of all 5- no error Records personnel
records records 4- with 1 error Admin, personnel
4-60 to 80% of all 3 - with 2 errors
records 2-with 3 errors
3-40 to 50% of all 1 - with 4 or more
records errors
2-20 to 30% of all
1-10% of all records
F in a n c e
L iq u id a tio n o f Cash
A d v a n c e s
Prepare and Submit SPF Sign liquidation reports 5 - complete 5- no error 5- immediately Finance department/
Liquidation Reports 1 - incomplete 4- with 1 error 4 - within 5-10 minutes Accounting Personnel
3 - with 2 errors 3- within 1 1 -1 5 minutes
2-with 3 errors 2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
1 - with 4 or more 1 - after 20 minutes
SPF Monitor liquidation of 5 - 3 or more days before the Finance department/
cash advances reglementory period Accounting Personnel
4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
3 - on set deadline
2 - 1 to days after deadline
1 - 3 or more days after
SPF Prepare and Submit 5 - complete 5- no error 5 - 3 or more days before Finance department/
liquidation reports to 1 - incomplete 4- with 1 error deadline Accounting Personnel
COA 3 - with 2 errors 4 - 1 to 2 days before deadline
2-with 3 errors 3 - on set deadline
1 - with 4 or more 2 - 1 to days after deadline
errors 1 - 3 or more days after
P u rc h a s e O rders
SPF Review purchase order 5 - complete 5- immediately Finance department/
under GF/STF 1 - incomplete 4 - within 5-10 minutes
3- within 1 1 -1 5 minutes
2 -within 16 to 20 minutes
1 - after 20 minutes
SPF Sign Funds Availability 5 - immediately Upon receipt Finance department/
on Purchase Orders of POs/SDs
4 - within 5-10 minutes
5 7