Page 418 - Area X - G
P. 418


                                 Classification of
                                     Function          Perform ance          Perform ance M easures in term s of Quantity, Quality, and
                                  SPF- Strategic         M easures                                   Timeliness
             Deliverables           Functions
                                     CF- Core                                                                                                     Responsible
                                     Functions                                                                                                     Individual
                                    SF- Support                               Quantity             Quality         .  .   Timeliness
                                                                                                                           ■  .
                                 CF/SF                 -   Checking/Eva                       5 -  accurate        5 -  immediately (within  1   HRD personnel
                                                          luation of                          4 -  with  1  error   hour
                                                          DTRs of                             3 - 2  errors        4 -  within 2  hours
                                                          employees                           2 - 3  errors        3 -  within 3 days
                                                          on COS                              1  -  more than 3    2 -  within 4 hours
                                                                                              errors               1  -  beyond 4 hours

                                 CF/SF                 -   Submission                         5 -  accurate        5 -  on set deadline (2   Campus HR
                                                          of DTRs of                          4 -  with  1  error   weeks before deadline of
                                                          the Campus                          3 - 2  errors        submission to Finance by
                                                          to University                       2 - 3  errors        university HRD)
                                                          HRD                                 1  -  more than 3    4 - 1   week before
                                                                                              errors               deadline of submission to
                                                                                                                   finance by HRD
                                                                                                                   3 - 3  days before
                                                                                                                   deadline of submission to
                                                                                                                   2 - 2  days
                                                                                                                   1 - 1   day
       Issuance of requested      CF/SF             Issue documents       5 -  complete       5 -  no error        5 -  1  working day       HRD personnel
       documents                                    upon request          1  -  incomplete    4 - 1   error        4 - 2  working days
                                                       -  Certifications                      3 - 2  errors        3 - 3  working days
                                                       -  Service                             2 - 3  errors        2 - 4  working days
                                                           Record                             1  -  more than 3    1  -  beyond 4 working
                                                                                              errors               days

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